Leroy Merlin has chosen l’app Ufirst to manage in a safe, organized and responsive to the need for social distancing, access to their stores.
From this week, the customers who will go to the Leroy Merlin stores of Solbiate Arno (VA), Lissone (MB), Curno (BG), Bologna (BO), Rome Laurentina (RM) is Torre Annunziata (NA). will have the ability to manage their entry in different ways:
- from the remote: those who already have the ufirst application, thanks to the geolocation system, can choose the store of interest and virtually disconnect the number for the queue from the app. Subsequently, you can monitor the progress of the queue remotely, getting notifications when your turn is coming thus going to the shop entrance only at that moment.
- Directly on site with concierge: all those who do not yet have the application will be able to reserve their place in line simply by communicating their mobile number to the staff at the entrance.Once registered, the system will automatically send an SMS with the progress of their position in line And, near your turn, a notification with the indication to go to the entrance.
This further possibility makes it possible not to stop at the entrance and, therefore, not to favor the creation of gatherings. Finally, it will be possible to download ufirst at any time and find your ticket already within the application. Leroy Merlin evaluates a subsequent extension of the service to the entire network of 49 points of sale in the area.

“From the very beginning, the health emergency confronted us with the need to rethink the customer experience in view of Phase 2, ensuring maximum protection for all our customers and collaborators. Thanks to the partnership with ufirst we want to demonstrate that we are "close" to the consumer even remotely, guaranteeing the optimization of times and respect for safety distances. We have always been a company strongly devoted to innovation and we are convinced that the challenge faced by Covid-19 can turn into an opportunity to accelerate towards the search for cutting-edge solutions, which improve more and more the 'experience of our customers ", said Malehk Goudjil, Chief Information Officer Leroy Merlin Italia.
READ ALSO: Esselunga skip-the-line with the Ufirst application. In Milan already 25 stores. Full list
“PHASE 2 with the reopening of commercial establishments and a step towards the resumption of normality, is a really important moment in this emergency situation, not only health but increasingly also economic. We are particularly proud to be able to offer our service also in an innovative retail reality like Leroy Merlin, which puts the safety of its customers but also of its employees at the center of its strategy " underlined Matteo Lentini, Managing Director of ufirst.
Tags Leroy Merlin Ufirs Leroy Merlin chooses the ufirst app to avoid queues in its stores