Various leaks indicate that Monster Hunter Rise is coming to PC next year.
For those who have been keeping up with the latest game news over the past few months, it's no secret that Capcom has recently been the victim of a ransomware attack. Around the same time as the attack, rumors and leaks began to circulate claiming that Nintendo Switch exclusive Monster Hunter Rise would in fact arrive on PC, albeit 9 months after the game launched on March 23. on Nintendo hardware. A full tech spec has been posted on pastebin.com, and there we can see support for unlocked frame rates, ultra-wide monitors, higher resolutions, and more PC-specific settings that probably won't. supported by Nintendo Switch version of the game.
Twitter user AsterikAmpersand has compiled all of the leaked information (it is the “probable” source of all of the pastebin drops), and they recently found code in the demo that gives the Monster Hunter Rise PC rumors additional credibility. In the demo codebase is "/ Render / PCTargetAPI: DirectX11", a strange line to include in a Switch-only title. Between the December leaks and this chunk of code in the demo, it looks like Monster Hunter World is indeed coming to PC, but not for a while.
It makes sense that Capcom is bringing the title to PC. Monster Hunter: World is their best-selling game of all time, and when it launched on Steam it was in the top five games played for months, hitting an all-time high. player count of 334684 at its peak. Monster Hunter Rise is set to be another notable addition to the series, iterating even further on World's most accessible model.
But Monster Hunter Rise is still built with the Nintendo Switch in mind. I'll bet the majority of all future Monster Hunter titles will eventually hit PC, with Rise becoming the Nintendo-centric brand, and World the Microsoft and Sony-centric moniker. This last item is a personal theory, so I'll be interested to see whether or not I'm right on this front. That said, it looks like Monster Hunter Rise is coming to PC. We just have to wait for official confirmation from Capcom at this point. In the meantime, you can read the full list of PC tech specs from the first leak below.
- Regarding frame rate
30FPS limit, 60FPS limit, FPS fluctuation option (basically no upper limit)
Adding an upper limit of 144 and 165 as a bonus, this matches two specifications of currently popular monitors. According to sentiment from CES held in January, 240Hz (240FPS) monitors are expected to become popular in the future. - Note: PC games PC games support variable refresh rate modes such as G-SYNC and Free Sync (no additional coding is required)
- Monitor output resolution
Allows you to output any resolution to suit your monitor / Windows environment
Do not hardcode the output resolution and limit it to 720p (Switch portable mode) or 1080p (Home mode) - Optimization of input / output devices
- Key binding / customization, mouse input optimization using direct input (avoid analog stick emulation)
- User interface navigation via mouse / keyboard
- Fine tuning / options for basic graphics and video output performance
- Texture filtering, antialiasing, anisotropic filtering, shadow quality options, V-sync ON / OFF.
- The game must support full screen, windowed mode and windowless window mode
- 21: 9 (ultra wide) and other graphics related media