With the latest iPhone 12s, Apple has taken a radical decision: to remove the charger and headphones from their boxes, to reduce their impact on the environment. However, this does not only concern the iPhone 12: all iPhones sold by Apple are now in new boxes without charger or headphones. A YouTuber shows what it looks like with a box of iPhone 11 bought after the announcement of the latest iPhones.
You know, with the iPhone 12 generation, Apple has made a major decision to reduce its impact on the environment : no longer sell iPhones with accessories such as chargers and headphones, as well as using smaller boxes. Apple, which is already "carbon neutral for its international operations" indeed expects to achieve a "net impact of 0 on the climate" by 2030.
During the iPhone 12 presentation keynote, Lisa Jackson, one of Apple's vice-presidents in charge of the environment, explained: “Consumers have already over 700 million pairs of Lightning headphones [so far included in the iPhone box] and many of our customers have switched to wireless headsets or headphones […] and there are also more than 2 billion Apple chargers in circulation not counting the billions of third-party adapters. That's why we removed these accessories from the iPhone 12 ″ box.
The new box of iPhones without chargers or headphones should allow Apple to emit 2 million m3 of CO2 less each year
The result is much smaller boxes. Apple explains that it can thus put up to 70% more boxes on each pallet. By generalizing this practice to all iPhones currently sold by Apple, this allows the manufacturer tosave some 2 million cubic meters of carbon dioxide per year in the atmosphere - the equivalent of 450 vehicles taken off the road each year.
In your country, Apple has nevertheless had to adapt its new policy a little. If nothing prevents the company from removing the USB type C charger from the box, the regulations require that smartphone manufacturers sell their devices with a pair of wired headphones included. So, in Your country, Apple now sells its iPhones with a USB-C cable, a pair of wired headphones, and some documentation. While elsewhere, we only find a cable and documentation in the box.
To get a feel for the new packaging ahead of the iPhone 12's arrival, YouTuber, Rjey, bought a new iPhone 11 in its new XXS box. We immediately notice that the box is indeed twice thinner than the box of previous generations, while being slightly longer. The interior is as you would expect quite spartan. As the YouTuber is not based in Your country, he is scooped out of a box without headphones or chargers.
There is only a USB type C cable, a little documentation with always the pin allowing to remove the SIM card and a single Apple sticker instead of two as in all the products of the firm for more than one decade. These new boxes concern all of the iPhone boxes that Apple currently sells on its store. This means the entire iPhone 12 range, but also the iPhone 11, the iPhone SE 2021 and the iPhone Xr.
Surprisingly, this change seems to be rather positively received by the brand's customers as well as by customers of other brands. Xiaomi, for example, tried to troll on the lack of charger ... before receiving a shower of criticism. Samsung has not hesitated to criticize Apple's new policy either, even thoughit seems that the manufacturer is about to follow suit, according to rumors.
All about the iPhone 12
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