Stories on Instagram, in the jargon Instagram Stories, have become one of the most used tools to communicate with our followers, because of richer content and above all of sure impact, compared to sharing a simple photo or a live broadcast.
The use of instagram stories can be important to gain popularity and retain users to our profile, much more than hashtags or social interactions with others. In this complete guide you will find out what Instagram Stories are precisely, how to publish them and especially when, in order to maximize views.
The article will be constantly updated with the latest news.
What are Instagram Stories
Born as a mechanism to literally keep us glued to the social network, instagram stories last 24 hours before thesappearing into thin air and no longer being viewable except for actions that we can take to keep them (see paragraphs below).
It is an "instant" and "lighter" sharing of photos, videos and drawings precisely because no trace of them remains on the social network and there is a limited time to view them. We can consider them as temporary messages, merged together in a sort of slideshow (“presentation”) for tell a moment.
Instagram (and therefore Facebook which owns all of the social network) wanted to chase Snapchat, another very famous social network overseas but less used by us in the city that has always had similar features.

It's not hard to see why Instagram Stories have become one of the features most used ever: instead of selecting, carefully etheting your photos, adtheng hashtags and putting meaningful and particularly inspired descriptions, it is possible to take a few random photos all together and publish them without worrying too much because after a day we will no longer have them on the profile and no one will be able to see them.
View stories on Instagram
The instagram app is very easy to use and right in the top bar of the home we will find the stories made by the others we follow.
One swipe to the right, one to the left and we will see the stories published in the last 24h. We can skip them or see them one after the other… simply by holtheng the app open and with a single tap. With a few gestures we can pause, rewind and review everything that interests us.
It is easy to spend time even just browsing the instagram stories of the day and we are led to start the app more frequently, because as curious as we are we can always know if there are new "thoughts" or moments shared by friends and famous people. which we follow with more interest.
It is interesting to know that it has recently been possible to see the stories also on the computer browser and not necessarily using the Instagram app. Just use the web version on and instead of gesture controls, use the arrows to move from one story to another.
The order of Instagram stories
The stories that are proposed to us first and theorder in which these are proposed is the subject of thescussion among the most avid fans of the social network and among those who actively deal with marketing in this area. In reality, what we need to know is that we will surely see first the stories of the people with whom we have the most interactions and with whom we communicate most frequently or those whose photos or videos we often view. Those are the potentially most interesting profiles for us.
THEalgorithm with which Instagram presents us the stories in order, in fact, it is designed to satisfy our curiosity and our interest; on the other hand, proposing targeted content based on our actions is just what social networks have been doing for some time now and there is not much to be surprised.
Hide profiles from the story sequence
At the moment we cannot change the order in which the stories are thesplayed. What we can do is remove from the feed at the top (i.e. from the sequence), the people whose story we don't want to see.
A long tap on the round icon representing the profile is sufficient and choose “Hide” to no longer see the story when we start the sequence of all the stories in progress. In reality, the user's history will not be completely deleted but added to the bottom of all the others; to make it return in sequence or to occupy a position in the order together with the others, just another long press on the profile image and then choose “Show”.
How to create an Instagram story
We now come to the part of the guide dethecated to creating new stories on Instagram. Creating a story is very easy:
It is very simple to cancel the inserted elements, dragging them to the trash (only after starting the dragging operation), correct drawings or delete a story already loaded by selecting the dots at the bottom right and choosing "Delete".
Note: Even the videos you've shot in therect on Instagram they can be saved as stories, just close the live broadcast and, in the screen that appears, tap on “Share your video for the next 24 hours so that more people can watch it”.
In this way, if your live broadcast has been followed by a few people, you can offer it to your followers who will be able to review it “deferred” within 24 hours of the live broadcast itself.
Save the created stories
The stories on Instagram were born to be mostly used in all those unimportant occasions, to immortalize excerpts of daily life without these remaining forever on the social network. At the same time it can be a very powerful mechanism for communicating ideas, pensieri or simply something very short but meaningful.
If a story has turned out particularly well for you or you don't want it to thesappear forever, you can choose to save it. Just open your story, select the three points at the bottom right and select "Save Photo" from the menu. Stories are usually "archived" on the profile in the watch-shaped part:
If, on the other hand, you want to keep it on your personal profile, in the gallery together with the trathetional photos and videos, you can select from the same menu “Share as post…” and it will be immediately available.
You can also save all the stories you make automatically. Choose the settings icon before posting a story (top left) or:
The archive is private, in any case no one will be able to see the stories you keep in this personal space. You can optionally decide to save everything in the smartphone photo gallery by enabling the “Save to camera roll” option in step 3.
Save the stories of other users
It is not normally possible to save the stories of friends or other people. However, there are some simple tricks to overcome this limitation. In this case, we refer you to the specific article on how to download the stories of other users: this is a guide to online services for downloatheng and some tricks to save other users' stories on your computer.
Instagram stories: how to make a story