The arrival of April, as well as for the other months, it means for Animal Crossing New Horizons the arrival of new fauna to be captured. Let's talk about new ones fish and new insects you can come across over the course of the month. These are often accompanied by departing animals, which will no longer be possible to capture after the end of the month. In this guide we will discover all the insects to be caught in April in Animal Crossing New Horizons. If you are looking for the guide of the fish of the month, you can find it at the bottom of the article!
Animal Crossing: New Horizons' April Bugs
The guide refers to the insects that can be found in the islands located in the Northern (Northern) HemisphereLet's start with the list, which is divided into newly arrived insects e expiring insects. You can compare it with theEncyclopedia present on yours Nook Phone to understand which of these are still missing from your collection (and that of the museum of Blathers). For when you go hunting, we remind you that when the captured creature is new the dialogue line will say "Yes","evvai”Or something else on this tone before announcing the name of the species taken.
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Insects arrived

Graphium sarpedon: the first insect to return in April is this butterfly, which you find in flutter around (except when it rains) between 4 in the morning and 7 in the evening.

Farfalla agrias: we continue with another butterfly, which you find at flutter near the flowers (except when it rains) between 8 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon.

Raja Brooke butterfly: find this specimen committed asflying near the flowers (except when it rains) between 8 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon.

Cobra butterfly: you can find this giant moth resting on tree trunks between 7 pm and 4 am.

Urania of Madagascar: last of the butterflies just arrived, you can find it at flutter near the flowers (except when it rains) between 8 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon.

Acrida cinerea: brief passage to the world of grasshoppers, locusts and crickets with this specimen, what to find on the ground between 8 in the morning and 7 in the evening.

Depressed dragonfly: let's move on to water insects with this dragonfly, which you find at flutter near waterways between 8 am and 5 pm.

Giant water bug: find this huge insect in rivers and lakes between 7 pm and 8 am.

Stigmodera: find this glittering insect on tree stumps (except when it rains) at any time of day.

Flea: finally, flea season is back. In fact, it will be possible that one of your inhabitants is infested with these little animals. To help him, and catch this insect, it will be enough for you hit the inhabitant in question with a net.
Insects leaving

Tarantola: the only "insect" (actually an arachnid) to leave at the end of the month, you can find it there night (between 7 pm and 4 am) on the ground. Be careful not to get stung!
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Animal Crossing: the April fish guide on New Horizons
After talking about all the new insects to catch, it's time to find out about the incoming and outgoing fish. Like? Reading our Animal Crossing April Pisces guide, of course.
TagsAnimal Crossing animal crossing: new horizons Insects not to be missed in April in Animal Crossing: New Horizons