A basic need of people and many creatures is to feel warm, especially in difficult conditions. Rain and cold are difficult things to deal with and manage for almost any animal. In Ancestors: Mankind The Odyssey, you're going to have a hard time keeping yourself and your teammates warm with the heavy rains falling around you. Unfortunately, it will take a long time to fire. As such, you need to know some alternatives for keeping warm, not counting on the radiant heat of a flame.
How to make fire and other objects in ancestors: the Odyssey of man
Unfortunately, to date, we haven't had the chance to make a fire in Ancestors: Human Odyssey. This is probably one of the abilities and skills that you will learn to use with your clan later in the game. So we have a little creativity to stay warm when the rains come or the temperature starts to drop.
You are looking for a unique red leaf called Khat. You can find this herbal item on shrubs. You are more likely to encounter them near water. If you find yourself exclusively looking for water, take some time to pick up some khat on your way to collect and reserve. You don't want to need them and don't end up with any of them anymore.
There are two methods you can use to eat khat and increase your resistance to the cold. The first is to eat the plant directly when you find it. Consuming the plant gives you a little resistance to the cold. However, if you eat three or four, you will occupy your resistance to the cold for quite a while. You might have guessed it, eating straight from the plant is probably the best way to increase your resistance to the cold because you are going to waste a lot of it. You want to maximize the amount you can get from a single factory, instead of wasting so much.
The alternative is to grind it using a grinder. With your granite crusher, you can create a pasty substance that you can now use. You will apply it to your form, thus increasing your resistance to the cold. Using the mill on the leaves gives you the most for what you have, so unless you have no way to access your mill, you want to save those Khat for it.
When we learn how to create fire in the game, we will update this guide. For now, focus on collecting khat plants near the water and keeping warm as you try to explore the rainy savannah.