We have recently received a multifunction printer HP Envy 6230, device compatible with the new service HP Instant INK. Okay, now that we have the printer, I already know how it will turn out. The ink will run out on the most beautiful, we will forget about it, we will never print again, the printer will fill with dust. It always ends up like this.
However, HP seems to have thought of forgetful people like me when designing the service HP Instant Ink. But what is it and how does it work? Here is revealed.
What is the HP Instant Ink Service?
What is this? HP Instant Ink it's a subscription service that delivers the ink cartridges for your printer directly to your home or office. This way you won't have to go to the store or order online because the cartridges will arrive home before you run out of those currently in use.
The subscription plans are in total 4 and cover all user groups: whether you are a newbie or your stage name is "Gutemberg".
Choosing the plan will be very easy. You just have to think locally about the number of pages you print in a month.
How does HP Instant Ink know when to ship new cartridges?
HP Instant Ink compatible printers are beyond that 35 different models (to check the models just visit the site). Thanks to the internet connection, the residual ink level can be detected. This way you can have the cartridges delivered to your home just in time, just before they run out.
The service can obviously be modified or canceled at any time (with immediate effect). To do this, just visit the site www.instantink.com.
Well. Now is the time to put HP Instant Ink to the test. Give us just the time to try it out and we'll be back to you with a review.
If you also want to try the service a little longer, you will need to enter this discount code (jqVf7) to receive 4 free months in addition to those already included in the registration phase.
TagsHP hp instant ink HP Instant Ink: What It Is and How It Works