It is essential to use all the tools available in Hardscape: Shipbreaker to optimize the amount you collect from a ship. Your grappling hook and split saw are your go-to items, and familiarizing yourself with them can save you a lot of headaches when trying to reduce that massive $ 1 billion debt you owe. One of the less tech-savvy tools every cutter has are their hands, and the game doesn't immediately tell you how to use them, or what you can do with them.
Make sure you are near an object or ship panel to have it handy. When you're ready, click the X key to use your right hand and the Z key to use your left. If you are using a controller, you want to use the RB and LB buttons respectively. When your knife reaches out, it should grab the object closest to them and its hand should hold it in place.

You can use your hand to stabilize yourself just before making a precise cut or if you want to slow down when using your retraction beam to get closer. This is a good way to slow yourself down and not hit your wetsuit against a hard surface. If you go too fast, you could damage your helmet or potentially damage your yard. Both are costly accidents.
If you ever run out of fuel inside a ship and can't pull the thrusts out of your suit, your hands can pull you forward. It also saves fuel when you start to run out, at least until you get back outside and need to make your way to the central platform to refuel. While the tutorial goes over the usefulness of your hands, be sure to use them often. In addition, they are free. They cost nothing to use, which is great when you have so much debt to pay off.