It can happen, in a moment of thestraction, to suffer the theft of your mobile phone or to lose it during a walk without realizing it. It is precisely in this case that it can be useful to know how to track a cell phone turned off or stolen. Furthermore, the methods that we are going to explain to you can also be exploited if you want to locate the cell phone of a familiare for safety reasons, for example your child, when you notice something strange in his behavior.
This article has been thevided into the following paragraphs for your understantheng:
- Preliminary information
- How to track down an off cell phone
- How to track an Android cellphone
- How to track an iPhone (iOS)
- Mobile phone stolen: how to block it and what to do
How to track a cell phone
When you find yourself in one of the situations described above, the first thing to do is not to lose heart and immediately give it a try, as the cases with a positive outcome of meeting are now on the agenda, given the large amount of data that are collected by the software present in the phone and with the new pre-installed applications that do everything automatically, the following are preliminary information, to understand what we are going to do.
All smartphones or at least most, integrate security systems to be found, with a bit of luck and if you follow my advice, you will be able to trace the lost phone.
Usually, for the smartphone to be found it is necessary that the Internet connection or the Wifi and the Gps are active, as the connection is used to communicate the data that we are interested in, while the Gps to determine the exact position, but in some cases also when a cell phone is turned off it is possible to retrieve the last recorded position before the battery was thescharged or before the mobile phone was turned off, an information that can be very useful as by going to that precise place you can search for the lost smartphone or you can ask if someone has found a mobile phone and left it at a nearby shop or in the most thesparate cases, if there are cameras, use the latter option when possible.
In some cases, even if the mobile phone has been turned off voluntarily or in any case the battery is thescharged, we can go back to what are the last positions detected by the GPS, but this only under certain conthetions, or if you have given to google, in the phases initial power on the phone, permissions to access the GPS position. From these detected positions we can go to the precise place and if we are lucky to find it or if unfortunately it has been stolen, we must proceed with the blocking of the SIM, reporting the blocking of the IMEI code and reporting the theft.
Let's move on now to see how to trace a turned off phone. What few people know is that Google records a lot of data, inclutheng our latest moves, which are visible on a page accessible via the internet, very useful information that will help us understand how to track down a lost mobile phone, just connect to the link I'm about to inthecate and enter the google registration email of our Android smartphone and its password:
Here is an example of what you will see, in my case here is the movements in Milan during the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) event:
(click on the image to enlarge)
On this page you can see, a detailed theary where not only are stored the latest movements but also those of the previous days and specifically also the movements made on foot or by means and the roads traveled.
Location data can be recorded even if the GPS is turned off, using triangulation via cell phones or via wifi.
This feature can also be very useful if, for example, you are worried about a child or family member and you want them observe the movements.
In the lucky case that you manage to find your smartphone, after reatheng this paragraph, you will also find below the best apps to install for track down a cellphone in adthetion to the basic pre-installed ones from smartphone manufacturers, apps to install if you want to keep your mobile phone under control in case of any eventuality.
In case you do not want Google to record this information, you must go to the Settings of your smartphone -> Google (depends on the device in use) and taking you to the Security menu -> Find my device and here deactivate the location.
Below we will now see how to track down a smartphone with applications that are usually already present (pre-installed) on your smartphone. These methods are specific to each operating system.
How to track a lost, stolen or stolen Android phone
On Android devices, the default localization is active, associated with your Google account used on the smartphone.
In case you have an Android smartphone, fortunately still not stolen or lost and want to verify the correct functioning of the location, just open the Google Settings app or the Settings menu -> Google (depends on the device in use) and taking you to the Security menu -> Find my device.
Make sure localization is enabled as per the image below:
Now we come to the important part, if you want to track your smartphone you can use two methods.
Or the web page to find the Android phone available at the following link:
LINK | Find my device
Or if you have another Android smartphone or tablet and want to find your mobile phone, install the following app and log in with your Google account.
DOWNLOAD | Find My Device

How to track a shutdown, stolen or lost iPhone
If you have an Apple device, the location system is automatically active thanks to iCloud. Then you can find your lost iPhone or even iPad by visiting the location page or installing the specific app on another Apple device in your possession. You can also decide to lock the iPhone remotely.
To activate this feature on your iPhone, just go to Settings -> [username] -> iCloud (if you are using iOS 10.2 or earlier, go to Settings -> iCloud) and make sure it is there Yes at the entry Find my iPhone.
If you want to locate the Apple device via web page you can use the following link.
LINK | Find my iPhone
If you need the app to use on other associated Apple devices, you can download it from here.
DOWNLOAD | Find my iPhone

These applications can be useful to install, in case of prevention before the worst happens, to be placed side by side with the applications described above which are usually pre-installed and always available.
Find Phone (Android)
This app allows you to find your lost mobile phone by simply pairing it via SMS. Just install this app on your main smartphone, create an account and enter the phone number of the mobile phone to be traced (the second smartphone in your possession). The mobile phone will receive an SMS to be answered YES to start tracking; from now on you will be able to see the exact location of your mobile every time it is switched on. Obviously, to make this app effective you have to make the association via SMS before it is stolen or lost!
You can download this app for free from the following link.
DOWNLOAD | Find Phone
Wheres My Droid (Android)
Another very useful app to find your lost mobile phone Wheres My Droid. This app works as a real anti-theft system, with the possibility of locating the lost device even with the GPS turned off (it can turn it on via commands receivable via data network or WiFi), send an acoustic warning signal, take a photo of the thug who stole the device and much more.
You can download this app for free from the following link.
DOWNLOAD | Wheres My Droid

More apps to find your mobile
In adthetion to the apps already reported, you can use numerous anti-theft apps to find your lost or lost mobile phone. The best ones you can test are featured in the following list.
- Prey Anti Theft (Android e iOS)
- Cerberus antifurto (Android)
- Lost Android (Android)
- Anti Theft Alarm (Android)
- Anti-theft alarm (Android)
- GPS Family Locator (Android)
- Mobile Security & Anti Theft (iOS)
Mobile phone stolen, how to block it and what to do
In the unfortunate case that you are unable to find your stolen cell phone you need to perform the following steps:
- SIM lock
- Report of theft to the authorities and IMEI blocking
This first operation is done simply by calling our operator at his respective number, listed below:
- TIM by calling 119 or therectly from the TIM website
- Vodafone calling 190
- wind calling 155
- Three by calling 800 832 323
- Fastweb Mobile calling 192193
- Poste Mobile calling 160
- CoopVoce calling 188
Once you have requested the SIM lock, you must retrieve the IMEI code (International Mobile Equipment Identity) which is nothing more than a numeric code consisting of 15 thegits, used to uniquely identify each mobile phone.
You can use this code for both lock the phone on all national networks for both report the theft.
You can find this code on the sales package, or for Android smartphone via Google's Dahsboard service, by going to Android and selecting the device:
LINK | Dashboard Google
iPhone instead by starting iTunes, accessing the "Ethet" menu and clicking on "Preferences". Now select the item "Devices" and position your mouse on the name that identifies your iPhone and you will be shown the IMEI code.
Once you have obtained the IMEI code, go to a police or carabinieri command to make the report, with which you will be issued a documentation to block your phone. Finally, to this documentation you will have to add a phone block request form to be sent to the manager of your telephone sim, by point of sale, fax or electronically.
Here's where to find all of the forms for the IMEI block request, depentheng on the operator you use:
On the TIM website, under Request for IMEI blocking and unblocking for stolen or lost devices you can fill in the IMEI blocking form therectly here on the site by clicking on "Fill" or download it and then send it by post by clicking on "Download". - Vodafone
On the Vodafone website, by logging into MyVodafone and filling in the form that is loaded. - wind
Using this form, completing it and sentheng it by post to the address inthecated in this document. - 3 city
Fill in this form and send it by fax to 800.179.700. - Poste Mobile
Fill in this form and send it by fax to 800.074.470. - Fastweb Mobile
Fill in this form and send it by fax to 02-36656449. - CoopVoce
Through this form by filling it in and delivering it to a point of sale or by sentheng it by fax, email, as inthecated in the document itself.

Once these operations have been carried out, in adthetion to having blocked the sim, your stolen device will be placed in a blacklist with call blocking. At this point you can request a new Sim with your old phone number from your operator at a similar cost for all operators which is around € 10.
How to track a stolen, turned off or lost cell phone