Satisfactory consists in building collections of giant and complex machines. While it's great fun to play alone, group projects can also be worthwhile, and luckily Satisfying has a co-op mode.
There are three different ways to join a multiplayer game of Satisfied.
# 1 invite
The first is to open the Invites tab in the main screen before starting a game and accept any invitations sent to you. Invitations can be sent and received through EGS Friends Lists.
# 2 join the game
The Join Game option is on the main screen when you load, but you will need your friend's game session ID to be able to join.
# 3 organize your own game

You can host your own game by changing the settings when you load into your saved game. Open the menu and click on Manage session. Change the session type to friends only to allow your friends to join. If the game is set to Private, people can only join if you send them an invite. Press the "Copy to clipboard" button to copy the session ID, and then you can send it to the person you want to play with.
The game currently has no plan for public sessions, in order to avoid any possible issues. It's also worth noting that multiplayer isn't exactly stable at the moment, as the game is still in Early Access, and bugs and performance issues are quite common.