Adobe Illustrator allows you to draw illustrations, logos, pictograms. It is possible to create complex shapes, with the pen tool, or simple, with the shape tool. The software thus makes it possible to generate squares, rectangles, ellipses, polygons or even stars.
How to make simple shapes, square, round, star in Illustrator?
1. In the toolbar locate thetool form.
By default, the rectangle is selected.
By pressing and holding this symbol, other shapes can be selected.
shape tool
2. Select theRectangle Tool.
Open a new document, click, hold the finger on the mouse button and move the cursor: a rectangular shape will be created.

3. Once the shape is drawn, we can modify it.
Let's start with color.
1- Select your shape
2- In the toolbar double-click on the background color (here black)
3- The color picker palette appears; choose one and click [OK] to validate your choice.
Trick: you can also create a colored outline

4. To change the dimensions of your shape, click one of the white selection squares and move the mouse to interact with its size.

5. To round the corners click on the "target" and move this point towards the interior of the shape, the radius will increase, and towards the exterior to reduce the radius.

6. To generate other shapes, in the toolbar, select the one you want to draw.

Trick: if you want to make a particular shape, square, circle hold down the SHIFT key when you create your shape.

It is possible to combine several simple shapes to create other more complex ones.
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