The Roblox Egg Hunt is upon us, which means there are dozens of eggs to be found in the game. To get the Brainfreeze Egg, you will need to play a game called Roder.
At the start of the game, you will charge into a lobby and have to choose to be a child or an adult. If you choose a child, it's a little easier than being an adult. Jump into one of the moving trucks, then wait for the game to load properly.
You'll start in a house, so go outside and you'll see a character called Chilly Charlie. He needs help, and you'll need to take five pieces of ice from him. Ice can be found strewn near the house, so click on it to pick it up, then take it to Charlie. Finding him five pieces of ice means the egg portal will open in a few days.

Then you have to actually survive the next couple of days and nights. Search the house for food and eat it to get more energy, then a pizza will be delivered to you when the game asks you to sit at the table. Eat pizza, then get ready to watch TV in the living room.
A TV show will tell you that the purge has started and the criminals are invading the Roblox games. Go upstairs and jump into bed, but be ready to run around the room. If criminals break in, they will try to hit you, and you have to run and jump to dodge them.
If they hit you, you lose energy, so avoid them as best you can. When this is done, you will need to use planks you find on the floor to reinforce the doors and windows for the second night. Reinforce as much as you can, then prepare for another attack. Just pick up the planks, run to a window, click the plank, then click the window multiple times to strengthen it.
Now a pizza will be offered to you. There are only three slices, so three random players at the table will have one and the energy it will give. Go upstairs and more criminals will arrive. Survive the night and you can go through the egg portal.
Now there is a boss fight, and you have to fight the devil's egg. The first step is to dodge the bombs. The explosions are quite large, so keep a safe distance. The dotted lines will show where the explosions will be, so avoid them.
When they stop, you can run and hit him, and he will lose a heart. Then platforms will form. Climb to the top of the highest platform, as lava is about to flow into the arena. The only safe platforms are the tallest, so make sure you are high enough.
When the lava is gone, come in and hit him one more time, then get ready for his final attack. He will circle around the arena, so dodge him until he stops moving, then hit him one last time to finish the fight.
When you land the last hit you'll get your Brainfreeze Egg.