Download a YouTube video with YouTube Premium
If you have subscribed to YouTube Premium, you can download any video from Google's famous video platform… from your smartphone or tablet. On browser, this option is unfortunately not available, which is a shame for those who would like to view videos offline from a PC. But we will come back to that.
For those who are Premium subscribers, therefore, it is very easy to download a video. To do this, open the video in question from your application on Android or iPhone and you will see a "Download" button located between "Share" and "Save". Click on it and a pop-up will ask you to choose the download quality (from 144p to 1080p, even if the video is available in higher definition).

Once the download is complete, you will find the video in the Downloads section of your library. Please note, these videos are only available for a period of 30 days. After this time, they will have to be downloaded again.

This manipulation works as well on smartphone as on tablet, and on Android like iPhone and iPad.
Is it legal to upload a video to YouTube?
Apart from this feature offered by YouTube, there are many people who wonder if it is legal to upload videos to YouTube. And for good reason since in the conditions of use of the service, it can be read that "you are not authorized to access, reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, alter, modify or otherwise use all or part of the Service or the Content except: (a) as expressly permitted by the Service; (b) with the prior written consent of YouTube and, where applicable, the rights holders; or (c) in accordance with applicable law ”.
YouTube may therefore reserve the right to ban your account if you violate these rules. However, personal stream ripping is considered by law to be private copying. Since you can record the shows that are on TV, it is absolutely legal to download a YouTube video. And for this there are many ways.
Download YouTube video with VLC
To download YouTube video with VLC:
- Launch VLC on your computer;
- Click on Video , And then Open a network stream (CTRL + N) ;
- In the tab Network, copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to download;
- Click on Read ;
- Click on Tools, And then Media Info (CTRL + I) ;
- At the bottom, in the Location field, there is a URL: copy it;
- Paste this URL into your browser;
- Right click on the video, then Save video as (CTRL + S) ;
- Select a folder and click Save.

You will then have plenty of time to watch your favorite video in MP4 format.
Download a YouTube video with online services
If you don't have VLC and want to download YouTube video easily from device that doesn't have this software, there are also online services to grab video with just few clicks. Many sites offer to download YouTube videos and convert them to any format you want. One of the most effective in this little game is certainly ClipConverter, both fast, not requiring Flash Player, and with a clean interface and not too heavily advertised.
To do this, all you have to do is copy the URL of the video in question into the "File URL" field of the site, then click on the button. Continue. You will then have the choice of definition and format. You can even choose an audio format only if you are not interested in the image (for a podcast for example).
On a smartphone, to retrieve the URL of a video, all you have to do is share a video and choose the "Copy link" option.

Once the URL has been copied into ClipConverter, click on the " Start!«, Then on the button Download. Be careful, however, if you do not have an ad blocker on the windows that will open.
Download YouTube Videos with Third-Party App
On Android, there are also other solutions, such as third-party applications for example. Mention may be made, for example, of NewPipe and TubeMate. These apps aim to replace the YouTube app by providing a different experience, often without ads and with additional services. Be careful though: you will have to download and install an APK file, which is not always very secure for your smartphone. To avoid any problem, we therefore advise you to go through the other solutions presented above.
To learn more
How to secure your smartphone, tablet or PC? The ultimate guide!
NewPipe and TubeMate work on the same principle as YouTube Premium. To download a video, simply search for it in the application's search engine, then click on the “Download” button. It is by using this kind of application with your account that you risk visibly violating the YouTube T & Cs. We therefore advise you not to link your account to this kind of application.
There you go, you can now watch the videos from the YouTube channel offline!
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Download YouTube Free APK