How can I find a user guide or manual online?

Forgotten in the bottom of drawers, often absent when buying second-hand, the user manual is not very popular, but it can be useful in many situations. Here are the different methods for finding user manuals for old and new products and appliances online.

Why do you need a user manual?

A user manual brings together the description of a product, its main functions and also the first essential steps for its proper use.

In addition, a manual can also contain valuable information such as safety standards and measures, possible malfunctions and appropriate solutions as well as the contact details of the manufacturer and details of the warranty.

Manufacturers' websites

Almost all of the sites of constructors and manufacturers offer a support section allowing you to find the instructions for a product according to its brand, its product category and the name of the model.

Let's take the example of an HP OfficeJet 2620 printer, so we will have to go to the HP website, choose the Printers category then the Officejet series and finally the reference of the 2620 model to find its user manual in the User section Guides.

Specialized websites

If the manufacturer has closed shop or if the equipment is too old, it is possible to turn to generalized or specialist websites which offer large databases of user manuals. Here is a selection of these sites in French and English

French websites

  • Central Manuals : specialized in computer hardware and peripherals, software, electronic devices, connected devices and certain video games.

  • How can I find a user guide or manual online?

  • Mes Notices : for household appliances, computers, image and sound and cars;
  • My after-sales service : generalist (auto, IT, telephony or household appliances);
  • After Purchase : a consumer social network that offers user manuals for thousands of products of all kinds;

English websites

  • Manuals Online : 700 manuals and guides grouped into categories such as household appliances, outdoor equipment, computers and many others;

  • How can I find a user guide or manual online?

  • ManualsLib : a website, but above all an Android application allowing you to find thousands of brands in cars, motorcycles, household appliances, computers, peripherals, etc. ;
  • eServiceInfo : specialized in manuals, documentation and electronic diagrams for computers, audio-video equipment, telephony, peripherals and spare parts;

Manual search

Our favorite web browser can also simply guide us to the right resource. To do so, it is then advisable to search for the reference of your product by adding filetype: pdf at the end of the request.
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