Garments loved and hated, but which have always been associated with the female figure, are the bras which, in the 2.0 era, could only become hi-tech.
Hi-tech bras, a revolution
There are many types of hi-tech bras made in recent years; and here are some that may become more common in the future than you think.
The anticancer bra
Julian Rios Cantu, a young Mexican medical student, created EVA, the revolutionary bra capable of detecting breast cancer early.
This particular bra was inspired by the direct experience that Julian had with this cancer: his mother, unfortunately, became ill, undergoing the removal of both breasts.
Breast cancer represents one of the most common cancers in the female world, affecting an average of 1 in 8 women. Prevention is therefore essential and why not do it thanks to a bra? EVA is intended not only as a diagnostic method but also as a comfortable garment to wear.
In short, the characteristics of a bra combined with hi-tech which, thanks to its sensors and constant monitoring of the wearer, would allow to save many lives with a timely intervention.
The anti-stress bra
Let's face it: the modern era has brought us many comforts but the pace of life has increased dramaticallycausing increased stress in the population. Sometimes we are so nervous that we can't even bear the clothes we wear and, in general, for women the most hated is the bra.
However, this torture could become a distant memory thanks to VITALI, a hi-tech bra capable not only of relieving stress but also of relaxing anyone who wears it. Designed by Cindy Wue, an engineering student from British Columbia University, this bra combines the functions of yoga and controlled breathing.
The operation of VITALI is very simple: thanks to a oval control unit attached to the left cup, at heart level, beating and breathing are monitored. In this way, in case of nervousness or panic signals, the control unit (renamed the gem) will begin to vibrate gently, causing anyone wearing the bra to adjust their breathing based on the vibration emitted. In addition, VITALI also controls the position of the back, thus allowing a better posture.
The bra that can only be undone with true love
The idea of a bra that can only be undone with those you love might seem a futile idea, one that can make you smile ironically. In fact, it is an excellent weapon against violence.
Designed by the Japanese company Ravijour, this particular type of bra has sensors that monitor the heartbeat. If the beat is typical of someone in love, then the bra will come loose as the wearer is with the person they love. On the contrary, the hooks will not unbutton as the person is in a dangerous situation, therefore with an attacker. Hence, among other things, its particular name: True love tester.
Furthermore, the opening or not of the lacing is regulated by a bluetooth system that sends the heartbeat signals to a specific app to be installed on the smartphone. Based on the situation, the sensors will understand whether or not it allows the bra to unfasten.
Via Desing IndabaVITALIRhizomatiks Design Tags Hi-tech bras, the technological revolution is also on underwear