Gun.Smoke is a shooter video game released in 1985 by Capcom and set in Far West. initially released as an arcade.
The game is the tie-in of the homonymous television series entitled precisely "Gunsmoke". Over the years Gun.Smoke has been converted to various consoles and home computers, including the NES. The plot is as follows: you are the sheriff (Billy, your name) of Dodge City, a city where unfortunately a dangerous band of outlaws rages.
Your task is to restore order and peace, through a series of levels (10) at the end of which there is the inevitable boss on duty. The peculiarity of the game is that Billy is ambidextrous and therefore can handle two pistols, but the game is still quite difficult, so some trick, like the ones below, might suit me.
From the home screen, quickly press A, B, B, Right 3 times, Left 4 times, Up 5 times and Down 6 times.
If you do everything correctly, you will be able to control the shots with the pad instead of the buttons.
At the home screen, press the A key 4 times, then Select 4 times, Right 2 times and finally Start to start with a powerful machine gun.
On the home screen, press Right 4 times, Select 4 times, Right 2 times and finally Start for unlimited ammo.
Gun.Smoke - NES