Google Chrome includes an improved spell checker to help you tidy up your typing. The tool offers smarter spellchecks based on the same technology as Google search. Firefox does not have a similar functionality, but it is possible to have a more complete corrector by using an extension.
Do you have a shell phobia? A spell checker can be a competition that cannot be overlooked. All browsers have one. They are based on a dictionary of words which allows you to check the correct syntax of the words you type. On Google Chrome, it is possible to strengthen the basic tool with the improved spell checker.
You might not notice a big difference from the default spell checker, but the improved version is the same as the onboard checker within the search engine, but also apps from the Google office suite (Docs, Sheets , Slides and Forms). You therefore benefit from the same suggestions. Technically, what you type is sent first to Google's servers, after which typos or misspelled words are underlined, with more relevant correction suggestions on the right click.
How to enable enhanced spell checker in Google Chrome
- Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and then click Settings
- Scroll down the page, click on Advanced settings
- In the privacy and security section, activate the option "Use a web service to correct spelling errors".
As you can see just below the option, it says that this smarter spell checker sends what you type into the browser to Google. The functionality must therefore be activated knowingly.
Chrome, Firefox: install an advanced spell checker
To benefit from a more complete spell checker, with corrections of spelling mistakes, but also grammar, nothing like a dedicated extension. Whether you are on Google Chrome or Firefox, Grammalecte is one of the best extensions available in this category.
This extension is very useful for identify careless mistakes and typing errors in your emails, online documents, important messages posted on social networks, live chats, etc. The tool integrates a complete dictionary of the French language, but also a conjugator, a lexicographer and a typographical error detector.
Once the extension is installed, right click on a page or after selecting text in the browser and then hover over Grammalect. Choose “Grammatical correction“, a small window opens, the errors are highlighted in different colors according to their nature and finally select the text to see the correction suggestion. You can decide whether or not to apply it depending on the relevance. It is in fact only a decision support tool. Don't always take suggestions at face value.
Finally, let us specify that Grammalect is an offline tool. Your entries are processed locally and are not sent to the publisher's servers. A positive point for those who attach importance to confidentiality.
- Click here to download Grammalect for Firefox
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