Bucolic atmosphere, relaxing music and a baby named Louis. These are three of the main ingredients behind Ghost Giant, title for PlayStation 4 announced at E3 2018 and developed by Zoink Games.
After letting us in fact enter inside Flipping Death and the previous one Fe, released last year, the developers have decided to introduce us an engaging and emotional story, suitable for all ages. If there is a genre completely suitable for the use of virtual reality, surely that of the puzzle-game is the chosen one in this sense. Why not make it just for PlayStation VR, so?
Duty premise: two controllers are obviously required to play Ghost Giant PlayStation Move, which will in fact be requested at the beginning of the first start ever. The player, in fact, will play the role of a ghost giant (hence the title) who will interact fully actively with Louis Lafleur, a small human-looking cat. He presents himself as an initially fearful child, rightly wary of us, and the first steps inside Ghost Giant will consist in interacting with it.
Throughout the game we will have only our ghost arms available, in order to fully interact with both Louis and the surrounding world. Among other things, we could caress him in the first moments of play, in such a way as to reassure him, just like you do with a child, and gradually, step by step, acquire his trust.
The game menu is very simple, with a main box used for selecting the level to be played, surrounded on its right by another box for technical settings, such as volume of dialogues and music, in order to balance them perfectly according to your preferences.
Welcome to the forest
Absolutely noteworthy for thesetting which is the backdrop to Ghost Giant. In the first moments of the game we are in fact inside a forest, completely immersed in a nature made up of dioramas that will reveal themselves and open to our passage. Luis lives on a small farm surrounded by a tractor, uncultivated fields and animals. Everything is studied in detail, like the best interactive book for children, with a style that is almost like a modern fairy tale. The PlayStation VR helps a lot in this regard, fitting perfectly and offering an engagement never seen before, and completely immersing the player in the story, while not participating in it directly.
As a ghost, in fact, our role will be to assist Louis by helping him in disparate tasks, such as pulling weeds, throwing him a life preserver, or finding him costumes that will serve him throughout the story. The effect is to attend a sort of interactive theater, with all the magic and fun that goes with it. The day-night cycle is also very impressive, alternating in the various phases of the game, giving the title an even more surreal and evocative atmosphere.
Undoubtedly one of the most interesting aspects of Ghost Giant is the possibility of interacting with the game environments: it will in fact be possible to enter every building of the city of Sancourt, which can be explored later in the game. It will therefore be pleasant to immerse yourself in the conversations and dialogues of the characters of the city, who will interact with Louis himself, as well as admire the furniture and objects with which they have previously furnished the houses. We will be able to remove the roofs, using the triggers of the PlayStation Move, and thus witness scenes from the daily life of the various characters of Sancourt.
Let's help Louis
In terms of gameplay we are therefore faced with fairly simple puzzles and riddles, thus giving the possibility of letting the little ones play Ghost Giant, without ever making the situation frustrating or at the limit of resolution. Precisely for this reason the developers have also come to meet the movements within the game, giving the possibility to turn the view with the keys on the PlayStation Move, thus avoiding any nausea problem deriving from the much feared motion sickness, found in the most dynamic and animated games.
Despite the childish and at times idyllic aspect of the setting, Luis's is a delicate story, which also addresses very serious issues such as depression, without ever exaggerating. The story was in fact born from the pen of Sara Bergmark Elfgren, a Swedish writer who collaborated with Zoink Games itself in the design of the game. We spare you more details, so that you can fully enjoy the storytelling of the game, avoiding distorting it. The only slightly discordant note is the duration of the game, which is completed without much difficulty within 3 or 4 hours.
In conclusion, Ghost Giant undoubtedly represents one of the most important exponents for these first months of 2019 in the field of PlayStation V. It manages to involve and excite the player in a whirlwind of conflicting feelings, between inner pains and friendships, within a perfectly recreated world.
Ghost Giant
- An exciting story
- Excellent stylistic sector
- Nicely recreated virtual reality
- Not high longevity