Esselunga a Casa does not deliver: the Esselunga service of home shopping was stormed after the spread of the coronavirus infection. The amount of traffic on the site of the online shopping it also increased following the announcement that the supermarket chain in northern Italy would deliver the shopping for free to the over 65s. To date it is impossible to have the shopping delivered due to delivery times exceeding 2 weeks.
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Esselunga online shopping: impossible to buy
The site of e-commerce for Esselunga's home shopping was stormed after the recent events and bans due to the rampant coronavirus infection. If until March 7, 2020 the delivery times were between 2/3 days, immediately after the "closure" decree of Lombardy and 14 provinces, the times have doubled up to 4 days. All this because the logistical operational load is starting to become very onerous.
READ ALSO: Download the form to leave the house to do the shopping
Today, March 14, 2020 is practically impossible farsi deliver the shopping at home from the service "Esselunga The House". Yes, because following the latest decree that prohibits all Italians from leaving the house except for proven needs, the population has incredibly discovered the possibility of shopping online. The site was stormed enough to force the giant of the Strawberry Points to issue an announcement through a pop-up on the site to notify all customers.
“Dear customer, due to the exceptional requests of these days, the waiting times for receiving your next purchase may be longer than usual. We apologize for this and assure you that we are working to increase availability and always give you a better service "
To date Esselunga does not deliver in Milan
The situation has obviously worsened, especially following the bans. We tried to simulate one online shopping in two different areas "Brianza" and "Milan" and the situation is unfortunately tragic. In both simulations it is impossible to have the shopping delivered to your home. In fact, Esselunga holds a time window of 13 days for delivery. If you are unable to deliver within these days, you will not proceed with the purchase.
Our suggestion, however, is to give it a try, you never know that you will be able to get lucky and find a free slot.

Esselunga will enhance the home shopping service
On March 6, through a press release, Esselunga CEO Sami Kahale declared “We cannot stand still and we want to be at the service of the community”.
In short, from what we know Esselunga has defined an extraordinary plan of activities to offer its contribution in the coronavirus emergency that the whole country is facing. From March 6, however, things have only gotten worse. We hope that Esselunga is really able to face the emergency as he promised, at least for those who are most in need such as the elderly.
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Updated March 15, 2020
As reported by the website, some users - with delivery scheduled for this week - are visas postpone or even cancel the delivery unilaterally. Some orders were therefore initially accepted and confirmed by Esselunga and then later canceled.

Also as reported by, the family that was canceled the order is currently in forced quarantine as it previously came into contact with people positive for coronavirus. This makes the family unable to physically leave the house to do the shopping. contacted Esselunga to get an official statement regarding the critical situation:
The company has confirmed that there are problems underway, especially in the Milan area, due - Esselunga reports - to the excess demand that has invested the online infrastructure; scenario anticipated in a note issued yesterday by CEO Sami Kahale: "Given the exceptional situation, we have had, and we do not exclude in the coming days, some critical issues in the Milan area". Criticalities and delays, yes, but we would not have thought that cancellations would even occur close to delivery.
Esselunga has not made it clear to us what the problems are and when they will be solved. It must be said that Esselunga normally accepts and confirms only the number of orders that it believes, according to its organization, to be able to deliver. One therefore thinks that the “critical operational problem” mentioned in the email is truly extraordinary and may relate to the unexpected impossibility of operating in a logistics center. Moreover, Esselunga, in his communication, reveals that "we are working 24 hours 24 to get the logistics chain back on its feet". Having said this, it could even be deduced that the Milanese logistics chain of “Esselunga a casa” at this moment is almost at a standstill.
TagsCoronavirus esselunga Esselunga at home online shopping Esselunga at home, impossible to shop online: delivery time of 2 weeks