Vinci Autoroutes is today launching a new type of badge for electronic toll payment: Ulys. This new format is Bluetooth compatible and can be activated and deactivated by connecting it to a smartphone. A welcome development eliminating a procedure that could last several days.
Here is a novelty that should make life easier for many drivers. Vinci Autoroutes is launching today its new type of electronic toll badge: Ulys. Its particularity compared to a classic badge and that it can be activated through its smartphone, thanks to its Bluetooth connectivity.
The advantage of such a technology is that it is no longer mandatory to go through a long procedure to start electronic toll payment. Usually, you have to wait several days to subscribe to the electronic toll offer and see your badge activated. With Ulys, all you have to do is go to an approved point of sale (more than 500 in our country), get this new terminal and activate it immediately using your smartphone. Then it works like a classic badge.
Can be activated even on a motorway area just before the toll
This could come in handy if you forgot to subscribe to the offer while the holidays are approaching. Even when the journey has started, all you need to do is buy a badge at a petrol station on a motorway rest area and activate it immediately for the next toll booth. This badge is obviously not free. In addition to the subscription, you will need the pay 5 euros to get it.
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Today, nearly 10 million people use electronic tolls in our country. This subscription allows you to pass in a special line during tolls on the motorway, to pay without stopping. This eliminates the need to queue when the toll looms on the horizon. One way to save time, especially during a holiday period when the highways are crowded with travelers.
Ulys therefore represents a small step closer to modernity for Vinci and its users. And you, would you be interested by such an electronic toll badge for this summer? Do you already have one? Would you be tempted to take it with such ease of activation? Tell us in the comments !
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