The most famous search engine of all is Google but, over the years, the particular search engine DuckDuckGo, loved above all for his strict privacy rules and to be completely anonymous, as it does not save any data and does not track users for advertising purposes. But how does DuckDuckGo work?
DuckDuckGo, the search engine that guarantees anonymity

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that is all about privacy and online data protection. Born in 2008, guarantees queries - searches carried out on the internet - anonymous e does not collect any type of data. It therefore allows users to be free from annoying trackers for advertising purposes.
DuckDuckGo for years remained in the shadows, almost unknown, but in recent months it has had an exponential growth that has led it to reach, on average, currently nearly 100 million searches every day. These numbers are easily accessible via the official website of the search engine, as the whole project is based on the transparency. It can therefore be seen that until now, since it was launched, there have been more than 81 billion searches via DuckDuckGo, of which more than 18 billion in 2021 alone (which, of course, has yet to end).
The success, again by consulting the data, began around 2019, and then broke through in 2020 with 23 billion queries. But why has the search engine become so popular ten years after its launch? Users, using the web more and more, are more aware of how online privacy works. Several years ago the internet seemed like a beautiful world and only a small percentage of internet users really cared about the privacy of their data. Nowadays, however, there is more awareness about their data exposed and users resort to multiple systems to have anonymity on the web. Just think how much other services have also depopulated, such as VPN, which promise to hide your IP address when you browse.

How does DuckDuckGo work?
DuckDuckGo it works exactly like a traditional search engine: you enter a keyword or keyword phrase in the search bar and you get various results. From this point of view, therefore, resorting to the use of the duck with the green bow tie does not involve any changes compared to using other search engines.
But, behind the scenes, the differences are substantial. As anticipated, privacy is its strong point. It does not collect any data related to searches, that is to say that it does not store the IP addresses of devices, theidentity of the user and other information that other search engines collect. Cookies, for example, are used only if strictly necessary and, unlike other search engines, it does not keep track of the search history.
In addition DuckDuckGo offers unbiased results, as opposed to Google. The latter shows the results based on the user profile of the person making the search, considering which result they will click more easily. DuckDuckGo also attempts to remove untrustworthy sites or those offering low-quality content from the results for the sole purpose of generating more clicks.
Another thing in DuckDuckGo's favor is being outside of any ecosystem, consequently it does not privilege some results over others, as happens for Google which often pushes its platforms such as Google Places instead of Tripadvisor. The company says, “At DuckDuckGo, we're not trying to take over the world. We don't have an "ecosystem" to trap yourself in. We just want to help you get to where you want as fast as possible and protect yourself as much as possible in this process. "

In addition to the security of privacy, DuckDuckGo has some features that are not present on Google. One of these is “Bangs!” Which allows you to search directly on other sites, skipping the DuckDuckGo results. If you want to search for shoes on Amazon, for example, just search for "! A shoes" to view the shoes directly on Amazon. So also for Wikipedia, Quora, Reddit and many famous sites. If DuckDuckGo is set as your default search engine, just enter your query directly into your browser's address bar. DuckDuckGo, in addition to being reachable via URL as it works for other search engines, is present as an extension for the most famous desktop browsers and as an app for Android and iOS.
How does the DuckDuckGo search engine make money
Obviously, income is needed behind such a project. To earn, the search engine use ads, but they are reduced to a minimum, unlike Google which now devotes much of the first page of results to ads. The ads are also not displayed based on tracking, which in fact does not happen, but they are based on search keywords. The very low number of ads is feasible as far fewer employees than big tech Google work within the company.
As you have understood, DuckDuckGo is a useful, reliable, anonymous and transparent search engine, in continuous and deserved growth. Obviously, for now, it cannot compete with the large numbers of the number one search engine, but we can say that it is really giving it all.

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