Do vaccine and magnet have any correlation?
No emphasis on the second of the two nouns: vaccine and calamity would in fact have some relationship, if we wanted to listen to the no vax, who consider vaccination not only useless but also harmful.
We prefer to listen to national and world health authorities, who repeat how only a complete and extensive vaccination plan can protect against the ever new and insidious variants of the Coronavirus.
No, today we speak - indeed, we speak again - of alleged relationship between the vaccine and the magnet, or rather: between vaccination and the fact of becoming magnetic.
We explain better what it is and above all why we are returning to the subject.
Vaccine and magnet: the May buffalo
In one of the first articles of the column you are reading, which appeared on Techprincess last May 26, we had updated you on a curious rumor circulated on the Net. According to which those who get vaccinated with Pfizer would make their body magnetic.
As proof of this, several videos have circulated of people who, claiming to have had the serum inoculated by the US company, have shown that they have become magnets because of the vaccine.
Like? By bringing the coin close to the injection site, it would remain stuck to the skin.
Evidently the thing has no scientific nature, although many of those who posted these videos have written sentences in which they swear that it is not a fake.
The motive is also curious: it is difficult to think that it is no vax, because only after being vaccinated - according to the promoters of this hoax - would one become magnetic.

A reader's comment
Let's dust off this fake news because On Sunday 11 July one of our readers, Mr. Edoardo, politely expressed a doubt at the bottom of the article, which we report here in its entirety. Edoardo wrote: “Can you demonstrate why after the vaccine some people demonstrated that the coin actually sticks to the arm? Obviously, if there is an explanation, I would like to know thanks ".
Since Edoardo, moved by sincere curiosity and trust in us, asks for an explanation, we are happy to give it to him..
The coin in contact with the skin
Can a coin stick to the skin? Of course it does, but that doesn't mean the vaccine makes humans magnets.
Meanwhile, the natural adhesiveness of the epidermis is sufficient for small objects to remain attached to it for a few seconds. Especially in summer, when sweating is more profuse. And by copious sweating we don't mean dripping after fifteen kilometers of running, but the physiological increase in perspiration. What, to be clear, makes us feel constantly clingy in the hottest months.
Perspiration aside, a trivial expedient is enough to ensure that coins or small objects remain attached to our skin for some time: to moisten (even with a few drops of saliva) the contact area of the epidermis, or the object itself.
It has nothing to do with - as we will see shortly - any ingredients in the vaccine produced by Pfizer.

Milk, marijuana, heroin
We explain the curious title of the paragraph, which we need to demonstrate how logic can sometimes fall prey to false syllogisms.
If we accept the fact that yes, for a few seconds a coin can stick to the skin, then anyone who has vaccinated with Pfizer serum can say: "Damn, after vaccination a coin sticks to my arm".
He can tell, as long as he is aware of the total absence of a cause-and-effect link between vaccination and magnetism. Because? Because even those who have not been vaccinated with Pfizer will have the same chance of getting a coin stuck to their skin for a few moments.
The writer of this article remembers, years ago, the acute response given by a politician who advocated the liberalization of soft drugs, such as marijuana. To those who accused him of wanting to make a drug legal that then leads to the use of much heavier substances, such as heroin, the politician replied that certainly a correlation was possible: those who end up becoming drug addicts are likely to have smoked marijuana in the past. . But those who have smoked marijuana are equally likely to have drank milk as a child. However Drinking milk does not necessarily lead to smoking marijuana, just as smoking marijuana does not necessarily lead to heroin use.

- Ciliberto, Gennaro (Author)
No scientific evidence
Beyond the logical fallacy, we want to reassure Mr. Edoardo also from the scientific point of view. The Pfizer vaccine does not make people magnets. No ingredient in the American whey would justify this mutation.
E whoever made the curious videos, talking about "parametric inversion of the chromosome", was misled by Salvo Di Grazia, surgeon specializing in gynecology and obstetrics, hospital doctor and science communicator.
Di Grazia told AdnKronos colleagues: “Parametric chromosome inversion doesn't mean anything, it's the classic parascientific terminology that doesn't really have any meaning. Also because this eventual parametric inversion would certainly not create this effect. It is not that a chromosome is reversed and therefore the magnet attaches itself. Nor is it for a possible metal content. If one were to inject pure metal immediately after, it is not that the magnet is attracted by the arm, absolutely, it would take kilos of iron. "
We thank Edoardo, our reader, who offered us the opportunity to return to the subject. And we hope you have more questions to ask us in the future.
Tagsfake news covid-19 Does the vaccine make you magnetic? Let's pick up a May tech hoax