The sleeping Snow White kiss is not consensual and ends in the middle of a blizzard.
This is the bizarre controversy that has invested an attraction in Disneyland California, an amusement center that has finally reopened after a 400-day stop.
Let's find out more about the details of the matter. AND let's try to understand when the obsession with politically correct risks slipping into involuntary humor.
The controversy: the kiss stolen from Snow White
Everyone knows the fairy tale of Snow White. And almost everyone has seen “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, the beautiful (and a little sugary, okay) reduction to animated drawings from 1937, produced by Walt Disney.
What happens in one of the final scenes of the film? It happens that the prince gives Snow White a kiss and, breaking the spell he was a victim of, awakens her from her eternal sleep.
Well said. However, it is not done. You don't do it because, if a woman is asleep, one cannot be sure that in a waking state she would have accepted the seduction by lip. It is therefore a question of extorted kiss, not consensual, for whose gesture the prince declines from a heroic figure and is derided as a male chauvinist with a tendency to gender violence.

The target of the controversy: the carousel of Snow White
Put like that, it will also make you smile. But this is exactly what happened due to the "fault" of a Disneyland amusement park attraction in Anaheim, California.
This is the carousel dedicated to Snow White, built in 1955. And whose original name was Snow White's Scary Adventure, roughly translatable as Snow White's Scary Adventure.
The attraction has been renewed not only in aesthetics, with more sparkling lights, but also in the name, which is now Snow White's Enchanted Wish.
The promoters of the controversy
But here is that May 1, on the columns of the SfGate (no irony about the name: it is an acronym for San Francisco Gate), Katie Dowd and Julie Tremaine accused the attraction of being detrimental to the little ones. Because if a kiss is not consensual, we are facing harassment.
We read in the article: “How can a kiss qualify as true love a relationship in which a person does not know that he is loved or that he loves because he is sleeping? Teaching children that one cannot kiss without consent on both sides is necessary! "
Disneyland California and reopening
Neither Disney nor the California amusement park have commented on this resolutely zealous defense of female dignity.
Disneyland California reopened its doors on Friday 30 April, one day before the article to the gun cotton, after being closed for 400 days due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Politically correct anxiety
The controversy, we imagine, is destined to die down in a short time, after having sparked a heated debate between supporters and detractors of the double-signed article.
However there it seems symptomatic of an extremist attitude that reminds us of the prudery of the Elizabethan era, when it was considered indecent even to uncover the legs of a table.
Because Snow White's kiss must be contextualized to the times in which the fairy tale was written and also to those in which the film was made, almost a hundred years ago. And it's not that by erasing history, its effects are eliminated. The Prince's kiss to Snow White is and remains a sweet and saving act, when viewed in the correct historical context. And his challenge risks obtaining the most classic of boomerang effects, putting one of the greatest plagues of the present into a joke.

Politically correct and common sense
It is certainly not with purely external stances that sacrosanct battles are waged. To change the mentality of a country, and to educate it in respect and acceptance of diversity, a profound and continuous awareness is needed that involves all social groups and all ages.
The Disney + channel has updated warnings for some classic cartoons such as Dumbo, Peter Pan and The Aristocats. The reason? The films contain potential racist content that today risks being offensive and unacceptable.