It's not . Each archstone leads to a long area with three main locations to explore. They're huge - most of the game is about navigating these four arches, progressing carefully until you can get past the boss blocking the checkpoint. The different "levels" change dramatically in difficulty. Some start out easy and get much more difficult. You'll need to level up, collect upgrade materials, and expand your adventure across all five areas at the same time, progressing slightly in each.
Below, I'll walk you through the optimal path through the archstones in, and what items you should look for.
Boss Tips and Weaknesses Guide | Cling Ring Location Guide | 75% maximum health as soul buff
Beginner's Guide | Order of Archstone
After completing the first section of [1-1] Boletarian Palace and defeating the boss of Phalanx, you will be able to explore one of the other four Archive Stones. To progress, you must complete each of the four arches to unlock the path through the Boletarian Palace, ultimately leading to the final boss.
After many games, this is the order we recommend.
Let's break it down for each section of the game. Here's why you'll want to take each path and what you want to research.
First steps | 1-1 | 2-1 | 4-1 | 3-1 | 5-1
At the start of the game you will want to experiment and learn more about the game. I highly recommend completing all four starting levels. Each can be difficult, and they can basically be finished in the order of your choice. My recommendations are based on difficulty for beginners - 2-1 is relatively straightforward.
Here are a few things to know about each section. Depending on your version, you may want to visit other areas first depending on the types of upgrade hardware you find.
- After you finish 1-1, you can continue to 1-2. The boss is beatable and the area is short.
- Make sure to do 2-1 next. You will find many leveling materials in 2-1 and 2-2 for RTS / basic gear for your knight class.
- You will find the blacksmith in 2-1. This guy is important! Don't miss it!
- Before going 4-1, grab a blunt weapon or scour the skeletons and grab the Crescent Falchion.
- 5-1 has an easy boss, but the area is very difficult. You can find a Blessed Mace here if you are a FAITH build.
Go further | 1-2 | 4-2 | 4-3 | 2-2 | 2-3 | 3-2 | 3-3
The game becomes much more delicate. While you can upgrade to 1-2 from the start of the game, I recommend that you save the other areas listed here until you've completed every first area - except maybe 5-1.
The Storm Sanctuary has relatively easy boss fights - if you know the tricks.
Make sure to enter 2-2 early and start collecting the upgrade materials. 2-2 is packed with useful stuff, so there's no reason to stop exploring. Don't expect to finish it later. The Firelurker is one of the toughest bosses in the game. The area itself is a maze. Don't worry about dying - you'll always keep the items you collect.
- The referee boss is easy to cheese with a bow or any ranged weapon.
- The old hero is a blind boss. Keep your gear low or equip the Thief's Ring and he'll have a harder time finding you. Attack when he loses you and that boss isn't too bad.
- The Firelurker is a challenge. You absolutely must have a fast roll to beat this boss. Go through his attacks!
- The Fool's Idol is a cunning boss. Find the path to the upper walkway where you will face a constantly reappearing boss.
- The final bosses for all of these areas are clever battles - you have to use the equipment and the environment to win. To beat the 3-3 boss, just clear in line to make the battle a lot easier. If you feel like cheating.
The final game | 1-3 | 5-2 | 5-3 | 1-4
On the final path! The Swamp offers some pretty straightforward boss fights, but the areas themselves are a nightmare. I recommend saving these swamps for last - and saving the Penetrator for last. He's a tough, tough boss who can't be beat without a little serious combat experience.
- You've made it this far! You can come to the end.
- Penetrator is a tough boss. A tower spear / shield combo will help - or you can unleash a Fire Spray or Soul Ray spray to defeat him from a distance.
- The 5-3 boss has a powerful knight protector. His shield won't protect him from fire magic, and learning to parry his attacks makes it easy.
- The final boss can strengthen your souls! Bring plenty of healing herb and you can cut it down.