Il April 26 2019 the new Sony exclusive will be available: Days Gone, survival and open world horror title, in a dynamic adventure style set in a post-apocalyptic world.
After trying the preview, we finally had the opportunity to test the entire title, giving it much more time and savoring every minute.
Will this new title hit us? Let's find out together in our review!
Farewell is haunted
The region of Farewell is on the verge of ruin due to a unknown virus which has turned most of the inhabitants and animals into zombie-like creatures, better known as Furiosi. The virus is spreading like wildfire and with unprecedented speed, wreaking havoc in neighboring regions as well.
After an initial movie that shows us the beginning of everything, we will find ourselves catapulted two years later into this post-apocalyptic world now destroyed by the virus: we will take on the role of Deacon St. John, a mercenary and survivor. The cities are now abandoned, hordes of Furiosi roam both day and night and ammunition and supplies, unfortunately, are starting to run out.
Together with our friend Boozer, our task will be to to survive. The virus has done a lot of damage but keep in mind that the Furious aren't the only thing we need to be afraid of. We will talk about this later, now let's analyze the features of Days Gone step by step.
Motorcycle: a name, a guarantee
One of the main features of Days Gone is the component openworld: this means that we will need to move easily from one haunted city to another. How can we do it? Simple, we will have one on our side wonderful motorcycle.
Deacon is extremely fond of his bike, so much so that he seems totally in symbiosis with it and it is right to be so because this will be the our means of survival. In addition to allowing us to explore without problems the large map that the title offers us, it will be able to get us out of impractical and pleasant situations, such as the arrival of hordes of Furiosi (who can count a total of 500 individuals) or escape from a bear.
The motorcycle is an extremely important element in Days Gone and that means we will have to treat her and give her a lot of attention: the fuel will run out sooner or later, so we will always have to keep an eye on it percentage of gasoline and remind us to refill the tank.
Obstacles such as trees, stones but also Furious and animals are not a cure-all for our motorbike; here too we will have to keep an eye on the state of the engine, which we will be able to repair by yourself or by various mechanics present in the camps.
Be careful though: there will also be occasions when your enemies will ambush you, causing you to fall. After taking them out, you will be forced to fix the engine as it will be totally out of order.
Enemies: Furious, Repugnant and more
The enemies that we will meet along our path are only many and of various types. The main ones are i Furious, humans worn down by this unknown virus that made them stronger, faster and more agile than normal creatures of their kind. It's not about the undead classics to Resident Evil, but of living creatures that have now adapted to that disturbing ecosystem, developing particular behaviors and habits.
The Furiosi, however, are also ferocious and are driven by hunger. Their skin is covered in bloody sores, their bodies are extremely thin and bones can be seen: many of them will also be hairless.
The larva, adolescents and infected children: they are generally less active than normal Furious, they prefer to hide and will only attack when our health is low or if we get too close to them. This macabre element is fundamental, as we rarely get the chance to kill children in video games.
Later we will also find the Colossi and Sirens: the first are infected more muscular and larger, able to suffer numerous blows and defeat the opponent with a few moves, so pay close attention. The latter are infected capable of summoning, with a simple and powerful scream, the nearest horde: kill them instantly.
During the course of Days Gone we will also come across several types of animals: we will meet deer, wolves and bears that we can kill and quarter to obtain fresh meat. At night, then, we will happen to meet more particular animals or werewolves, bears and infected crows capable of putting us in serious difficulty.
The infected, however, are not the only enemies we will encounter. We will have to pay close attention to humans, that at the moment we can divide it into two categories: Repugnant e Marauders. The former are a congregation of religious madmen, certainly out of their minds and who feel no sympathy for anyone, much less for Deacon and his friend. The latter are humans who usually ambush to kill and raid.
From what has been announced, Days Gone will count many more categories than listed above: you just have to try the game and discover them all.
Camps, credits and weapons
The game map is remarkable and we will have the opportunity to explore it from top to bottom through primary missions, secondary and missions in which we will have to burn the nests of the Furiosi to clear the streets and make the areas "safer", thus activating the fast travel.
During these missions, we will become aware of the presence of several camps, each of which has a leader in charge of everything. Within these camps we will find various sections: the kitchen, where we will be able to sell herbs found around and the meat of killed animals.
Il mechanical through which we will be able to refuel the bike, adjust it and make various changes (speed, aesthetics of the bike etc); the sizes, in which we will sell ears, eyes and other body parts of the Furiosi (we will get them after killing them) and the classic merchant from which to buy weapons, ammo and various upgrades.
In order to buy, however, we will need the credits that will be given to us in the kitchen section, sizes and after completing various tasks that the leaders will entrust to us. This will also allow us to win the trust of the boss and the inhabitants of the camp, later unlocking more useful modifications for the bike and more powerful weapons.
Ammunition is expensive and most of the time it is in short supply, so it is good to keep it aside. So how do we fight these creatures? Do not worry! In addition to the possibility of create Molotov cocktails with the right items that you will find around the map, you will have with you an indestructible melee weapon: the knife. However, it is not very powerful, so you will find wooden planks, axes, hammers and much more that you can later modify.
My favorite melee weapon is without a doubt the spiked club: strong and destructive. But be careful of these weapons, because they will break. To avoid this, make sure you have some wreckage with you with which to fix both your melee weapons and the bike.
We will have three weapons at our disposal: the primary (an assault rifle, sawn-off shotgun etc), the secondary or a pistol ed a special weapon which could be the crossbow or a sniper rifle (for now). We won't have much choice at first, but by gaining the trust of the various camps, we will unlock powerful new weapons.
We will also be able to create bandages and medicines that will be useful to improve health in critical situations, we will find stones, smoke bombs and other useful objects to lure enemies away and sneak away, we will be able to place traps and also create darts for the crossbow after collecting wood from some trees in particular.
Finally, among the various useful items, we will have a binocular which will allow us to put a target on our enemies so that we can follow their movements and a flashlight for the darkest situations.
Map, skills and sight
As an open world we will have a very large map, which we can explore whenever we want. In addition to reporting the various camps and quick trips - not always available, we will have to take into account distance, petrol and roads - it will highlight other places for us.
For example, the various petrol stations, the hidden camps that we will have to conquer, the monuments (which will be some of the various collectibles that we will find), old medical bases that will be our safe zones, the nests of the Furiosi that we will have to burn and much more.
After carrying out assignments or finishing particular missions and fights, we will receive gods skill points which we will use to improve the melee attacks, from a distance and survival. They will allow us to make our weapons stronger, more resistant and we can also improve the view from survivor, a particular ability that Deacon possesses.
It will allow us to analyze the surrounding environment, highlighting elements that are almost invisible to the naked eye: a bit like Batman in various video games.
Graphics, sound and time: a story to tell
One of the many elements that characterizes Days Gone is the possibility of resting (on a cot in the various camps or in safe areas) and therefore being able to accelerate the passage of time: you can decide for yourself whether to play during the day or at night.
However, there will be some missions that will require a particular weather condition, so we will not be able to choose.
The graphics show themselves immediately extremely realistic, well defined and with vibrant colors. The landscapes that we are going to admire, aboard our motorcycle, seem to come out of a photograph as much as they are beautiful: moreover the sound sector is excellent, the chosen soundtrack fits perfectly with the various situations we are going to face.
From dusk to dawn, from night to snowy places, Days Gone presents itself as a title from stunning graphics. Even the characters are realistic, they have numerous physical characteristics (from imperfections on the face, to the growing beard etc) and each of them has their own history, their own weaknesses and strengths.
During the course of the title we will learn to know Deacon, to understand why he has all this repressed anger and we will be able to appreciate him more fully.
It is not about finding a cure for this virus but about surviving, doing what you can not to be bitten or infected. Also from this point of view, the title is extremely realistic and you can see the difference with Resident Evil titles.
The moment we are attacked by the Furious, if we will not click the button in time that the game shows us, we will be bitten and automatically we will be dead. There is no escape: be quick and careful.
Days Gone looks like a capable title transmit anguish mixed with a slight sense of terror and anxiety: the night, the moment of the day when the Furiosi prefer to go out, will be devastating since we will find many of them. Attack them loudly and quickly or be stealthy and flee? It won't be an easy choice.
But remember that you will find, when you least expect it, hordes of over a hundred individuals: fleeing will be your only solution, unless you are equipped with plenty of ammunition.
There is no shortage of imperfections
No game is perfect and, alas, even Days Gone has its imperfections. First of all, various image overlays o characters who lack the body: there was one occasion when I found myself in front of a floating head and smoking a cigarette from a nonexistent arm. Unsettling.
Furious or human enemies that you stuck in one place unable to move. On the one hand it was positive, since they could be killed without problems; but after a while it was annoying.
The worst flaw, however, I encountered in the last few game sessions and I sincerely hope that it will be fixed as soon as possible. Suddenly, without my doing any strange actions, theaudio disappeared: the noise of the motorbike, the noise of the shots, the screams and the cries of the enemies could no longer be heard.
I tried to fix from the main menu, but the problem persisted: the only solution was to save, close and restart the application. Fortunately, all these bugs have occurred very few times, but suddenly finding yourself without sound is bad since it is our main ally.
The radar that we have at the bottom right signals the enemies, however the audio allows us to pick up the direction of the sounds and then, many times, we first hear the cries of the enemies and then they are shown on the radar.
Finally, a defect that could cause annoyance to many concerns the unassisted aim. Our enemies, as mentioned before, are not the classic undead: this means that they will run, they will be more agile and almost always, from close distances, we will have a hard time shooting him. My advice is to keep ammunition for humans and ranged combat and to go all out with melee weapons.
Barring these issues, Days Gone is a really great product, able to entertain fans of the horror genre and also to intrigue those who are loyal to the undead. At the beginning it is not easy to get used to these new enemies, but after a few hours you will get used to them and you will not be able to do without them anymore.
If you are a fan of The Last of Us, this title is absolutely for you. He is the only one with whom I have found similarities.
A truly excellent Sony exclusive that far exceeds expectations that I personally had initially. The story is interesting and each mission, primary or secondary, is connected to the main plot: each piece, albeit slowly, will be put in its place and everything will be connected to the other.
The map is really beautiful and we will be able to explore everything aboard our motorcycle. I can say that Days Gone looks a bit like The Witcher, only instead of the horse and the mythological creatures, we have zombies and a motorcycle.
A title to buy, try and love.
Days Gone
- Graphics
- Realistic title
- Extensive map
- Possibility to fix motorbikes, melee weapons and create medicines
- Perfect sound
- Captivating story
- Audio that suddenly disappears
- Bugs related to images