Best Cyberware Upgrades in Cyberpunk 2077
Second heart
Second Heart essentially gives you an extra life, so it's easily one of the best cyberware upgrades in Night City. When you lose all your health, you will be fully healed to your maximum HP if you have equipped this cyberware. It requires 16 Body attribute points, so you won't be able to get it very early in the game, but if you have the stats you can buy a Ripperdoc in western Heywood for around 40 Eurodollars.
Reinforced tendons
The Reinforced Tendons cyberware gives you a double jump, and a double jump improves any game. Not only does it increase your mobility in combat, it also opens up multiple lanes when exploring, allowing you to reach places you you couldn't otherwise. This costs Eddies $ 45 which is a steep price, but the benefits are more than the cost. You can find this upgrade at Ripperdocs in the Downtown, Watson and Santo Domingo Districts.
Mantis blades
These have been featured extensively in Cyberpunk 2077 promotional material, so you've probably seen them before. These deadly blades come out of V's forearms and cut through anything unfortunate enough to get in your way. You can buy them from a Ripperdoc for a few thousand whirlwinds, but you can get a pair for free if you look in the right place. While these blades may look cool on paper, in practice they aren't for everyone. Unless you're doing a completely melee-focused build, you should probably be spending your Eurodollars on other upgrades.
Another melee upgrade, the Monowire is similar to the Mantis Blades but is aimed at a different type of player. While Mantis Blades count as blade damage, the Monowire actually uses your Body attribute and Street Brawler skill to calculate its damage. If you want a melee upgrade but don't have the right points for Mantis Blades, the Monowire is a great alternative. You can find it in most Night City Ripperdocs, and the price can range from 15000 to 100000 Eddies depending on rarity and potency.
The Kerenzikov is a nervous system cyberware upgrade that slows down attack, aim or block time while swiping. The duration of the slowdown varies depending on the rarity of the upgrade. You can easily take delicate snapshots if you have this cyberware, and it's especially useful if you use close-range weapons like pistols and submachine guns. You'll need a few points in the Reflexes attribute to be able to use it, but the effect is worth it. You can buy this cyberware from a Ripperdoc in the western part of Santo Domingo. Other Night City Ripperdocs might offer this upgrade as well, although prices and rarities may vary.
Gorilla arm
Gorilla Arms are yet another melee-focused cyberware, but they're more useful than just hitting things. Yes, gorilla arms greatly increase the V's unarmed melee damage, but they also allow you to open doors and remove automated turrets from their mounts. Locked doors and turrets are really annoying, but getting Gorrilla's arms can get rid of those headaches for good. You can find them in stock at most Ripperdoc clinics in Night City, but the best (and most expensive) rarities can be found in the city center.
cyberpunk 2077 is out now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. A Next Generation Version of the Game is Currently in Development for PS5 and Xbox Series X | S.