The exceptional travel certificate on smartphone is available. As planned, the government has put the form generator online on its website www.interieur.gouv.com. It is now possible to present your certificate on your mobile phone during a police check. And recently, an update is even available, which brings the management of dark mode. We explain how this QR Code generator works.
For several months, the Ministry of the Interior has offered to download its travel certificate on a smartphone. You are not no longer have to print or copy the certificate by hand when you want to do your shopping or walk your dog. As of March 31, 2021 and for a period of at least one month, the containment measures apply throughout of the country.
At present, the document is not required for travel within an area of up to 10 km around your home. Proof of address may nevertheless be requested during the day. We explain what you need to know if you want to get away a little further in case of compelling reason.
? Where can I download the exceptional travel certificate on a smartphone?
In addition to the TousAntiCovid application, which allows you to generate a travel certificate on a smartphone, you also have the option of generating it through the website of the Ministry of the Interior www.interieur.gouv.com. We advise you to use it exclusively in order to prevent your personal data from falling into the wrong hands. The government also offers PDF and Word versions of certificates of exceptional travel, business travel and school travel to download.
Click here to generate a travel certificate on the interieur.gouv.com website
? How does the form builder work?
The system put in place will generate a PDF document to save on your mobile phone. This file contains a QR Code which can be scanned during a check by the police. This QR Code informs the police about the time at which you filled out the form. To complete the form, you must:
- Enter your first name, last name, date and place of birth and your address
- Choose the reason for your outing (shopping, sport, medical emergency, etc.)
- Indicate the date and time of exit
- Click on generate my certificate
- Recover your PDF file and save it on your smartphone for security
You can complete the derogatory exit certificate directly on your smartphone, computer or even a touchscreen tablet. All you have to do is send the generated PDF to your phone when you check out.
? ♂️ What is the travel certificate used for?
Like its paper version to print or that you can copy by hand, the digital travel certificate is essential to leave your home during a period of confinement. Be careful, you must always have a good reason to justify your trip. Here are the reasons authorized by the of the country government:
- Travel between home and the place of exercise of professional activity or professional trips that cannot be postponed
- Travel to purchase supplies necessary for professional activity, essential purchases in establishments whose activities remain authorized (list on government.com) and home deliveries
- Consultations and care that cannot be provided remotely and cannot be postponed and the purchase of medication
- Travel for compelling family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable and precarious people or childcare
- Travel for people with disabilities and their companions
- Short trips, within the limit of one hour per day and within a maximum radius of one kilometer around the home, linked either to the individual physical activity of people, to the exclusion of any collective sporting practice and any proximity to '' other people, either for a walk with the only people grouped together in the same home, or for the needs of pets
- Judicial or administrative summons and meeting in a public service
- Participation in missions of general interest at the request of the administrative authority
- Travel to pick up children from school and during their extracurricular activities
With this certificate on mobile, the police can easily check whether the reasons for your trip are valid. "The police and gendarmes will not need to take the phone in hand, they will just have to scan the screen" explains Christophe Castaner, former Minister of the Interior. In any case, the health authorities advise to stay at home as long as possible. Even if a certain tolerance in the movements will be observed punctually, as in this period of All Saints.
? Does the government store personal data on its servers?
The government ensures that personal data communicated is not transmitted to remote servers. An assertion confirmed by computer security expert Baptiste Robert, alias Elliot Alderson. The man confirms that the data generated remains local, that is to say that all the personal data of the form is found only in the QR Code.
Please note, the digital certificate does not replace the paper exemptions. Handwritten or printed certificates are in fact still valid. As a reminder, non-compliance with confinement is punishable by a fine of € 135. Are you going to use the generator set up by the government? We await your opinion in the comments.
⚫ How to display the attestation generator in dark mode?
The Interior Ministry continues to improve its exit certificate. Now, it is even possible to take advantage of it dark mode, provided you have activated the appropriate display mode in your phone settings. When you connect to the travel certificate site, you should see a message informing you of the availability ofan update : click on it to apply, that's all, there is nothing else to do.
- Coronavirus (Covid-19)
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