Fl4k is a bit of an odd duck among the cast of Borderlands 3 playable characters. Fl4k, of all the characters, encourages the most to go deeper with their talent trees, picking up the top of all the trees because a lot of talents are so good in themselves that they don't really need synergy. deep. You can specialize, but you don't have to, leaving Fl4k among the most flexible characters in franchise history. You can basically choose anything and go crazy!
That said, picking talents at random isn't the best way to go, although by and large it works very well for Fl4k.
Basically, you can play Fl4k as a damage, tank, or support, although it's a bit less beefy than other roles. Here's a look at these three basic archetypes.
Bounty hunter
Fl4k gets a lot of killer skills and stacks death bonuses, nothing more than that of the Stalker and Hunter trees. The only recognition you give for this version that Master even exists is dropping three ranks in the Hunter Persistence for the free permanent damage increase to all guns.
Your choice of action skills counts for this build, with Fade Away generally being the best, functioning as both an evasion means and a massive damage boost, not only critical hits, but also flat damage as The Fast and the Furryous gives you are on top of half your health; Fade Away regeneration is key, as you'll be avoiding most of the other regeneration talents for this build.
Your choice of weaponry is pretty much commensurate with the best weapon you've dropped recently. Taking talents from these trees gives you huge bonuses, with weapons like attacks like predators Ambush and Leave No Trace having low fire rates, while talents like Furious Strike and Overclocked making you excel with fire rates. high, as well as low damage weapons. Due to the general nature of bonuses that apply to all weapons, you always get benefits no matter what. Having an increased rate of fire with the Jakob Sniper Rifle, for example, is no laughing matter, and increasing the damage of your Vladof Assault Rifle is also good.
Keeping your firing chains running and swapping weapons for optimal ranges is essential and can be tricky, but it's very satisfying once you get the hang of it.
Your choice of pet is primarily aesthetic, each with their own advantages for this build.
Master of beasts
This is the tank specification, focused on the need to not die and win a war of attrition with enemies. You focus a little more on your pets here, so specify in Master more than in other versions. Self-healing, Turn Tail and Run (both from the Stalker tree), and Hive Mind systems are key to survival, while barbaric Yawp, Frenzy, and Pack tactics are essential for damage. can spare two other trees.
You probably want the Skag pet for this build to provide more damage, where you don't want survival at all. Gamma Burst is your action skill of choice, greatly amplifying your pet's damage and tenacity.
Your damage is relatively low until you're stacked, but you exude a massive presence on the battlefield, essentially act in two places at once, and fire enemies and get rid of their bullets with ease. .
It's a bit of a poor build for solo play, but it's great in group scenarios, especially one with something like a Bottomless Mags Moze to mop up enemies.
Much like the Bounty Hunter built above, this focuses a lot on the Stalker and Hunter trees. Unlike those, this aims to get as much regeneration as possible through talents like Self-Healing System, Turn Tail and Run (both from Stalker), Who Rescued Who (Master, and as deep as you intend to go. ), then sharing. this regeneration with the party via All My BFFs of the Stalker tree. From there, you'll be able to take advantage of Hunter's cumulative damage bonuses with most weapons and allow your party to regenerate massive chunks of health per second without having to do anything.
This version is perfect for parties with more squishy builds among other players or to complement high-risk, highly rewarded characters like a Brawl-focused Amara with constant, sustained health regeneration unrelated to any of the activated talents. of the party (like Amara's huge health regeneration after its use). action skill, or Soul Sap).
Fade Away and Rakk Attack complete this model, and the Spiderant pet is your primary choice here.
This build lacks the damage of Bounty Hunter and the presence of Beast Master, but combines its survivability with more damage and much more provided to the party itself, without the sacrifice of power and the power necessary for the latter to pass that point. to All my BFFs.
These are the three main building paths, but the great thing about Fl4k is that it's easy to mix and match these roles while having higher damage than another character. , which makes him the most versatile player.