We are at the end of 2017: PlayStation VR makes its way into hundreds of thousands of salons around the world. One of the first titles available is PlayStation VR Worlds, a collection containing several mini-games able to show (and demonstrate) all the potential of the blue helmet of Sony. Undoubtedly, this one stood out London Heist, an action-packed and very adrenaline-pumping demonstration set in London, in which we could grab two PlayStation Moves and shoot wildly aboard fast-moving vehicles.
The same developers of London Heist, SCE London Studio, have therefore decided to further expand that sometimes embryonic idea, enhancing it, and bringing to fruition Blood & Truth, action title available exclusively for PlayStation VR from May 28th.
The latest creation from Sony's London studios immediately takes us to the center of the action: we will impersonate Ryan Marks, following in fact an initial meeting a London with l 'agent Carson, we will find ourselves directly immersed in a flashback set in the midst of a conflict. A few moments of play will be enough to immediately become familiar with the control system, governed as always by the synchronous use of the two PlayStation Moves, as previously found with London Heist. The tutorial start will serve, in this case, to calibrate both PlayStation Move controllers in order to return the most optimal experience possible at the moment of the start of the action. The number of weapons is more than good, and each weapon offers a good feeling: it will be possible to aim with a virtual laser sight, which will allow us to more easily target the bullets that we will generously unload on the enemies.
Rifles at your fingertips
It's just the PlayStation Move which guarantees fun and interactive gameplay: in fact, in addition to handling weapons on both hands, we will find ourselves performing various actions, such as climbing steps alternating hands, picking doors trying to manipulate the gears and much more, making the gameplay varied and never boring. To add pepper to the game we find the slow motion mode, which will be used at the player's discretion in the most concomitant phases during the firefights. Just press the two PlayStation Moves at the same time to activate it, thus being able to aim the enemies with more calm and precision than usual.
Armed conflicts are absolutely animated and dynamic: in Blood & Truth the player, despite being within a scheme on predefined roads, has the possibility to move rather freely within the shooting range, indicating the direction with the use of the controller. The character will then move, until he reaches the new cover desired by the player. It will then be possible to gradually proceed towards the positions of the enemies, progressing gradually and making their way to the sound of bullets. Fortunately, this also avoids the annoying motion sickness typical of the most animated titles, thus avoiding causing excessive nausea and motion sickness in the player.
[London Calling
Surely the technical sector of Blood & Truth represents a strong point of the game. The technical realization is in fact very accurate, going to refine what we had already seen two years ago with London Heist. The impact with PlayStation VR is therefore really effective, perfectly managing to involve the player within the action and the most adrenaline-pumping scenes.
The same care and treatment has been reserved by Sony for the sound sector of the game: incredibly, in spite of other titles available for PlayStation VR, Blood & Truth was in fact entirely dubbed in Italian, thus adding a further factor of involvement. Even from these details it is possible to see how Sony has invested and believed abundantly in the potential of the game, leaving nothing to chance but rather packaging a precise and complete product.
Another point in favor of Blood & Truth is its variety of game and situations: the settings, both urban and not, are made with the utmost care, and always ensure a breath of fresh air, without ever leading to boredom. We will move from conflict to fire, to quieter situations, with good management of the general pace.
Blood & Truth: is it worth buying?
Blood & Truth it is ultimately one of the best products of recent months on the PlayStation VR landscape: worthy of the best action movie, the game involves dynamic firefights and numerous gameplay situations, without ever boring and, indeed, thrilling with a well-structured plot that is decidedly superior to that of similar productions. We absolutely recommend it to all PlayStation VR owners, who intend to immerse themselves in an adrenaline-fueled and fun adventure.
Blood & Truth
- Adrenaline and fun
- Great texture
- Well done technical compartment
- Some clichés typical of the genre