Have you stumbled upon a movie with some foreign language autheo without any subtitles? Do you have a collection of original language films that you want to enjoy on your PC or TV with your language subtitles?
If the film does not include subtitles, don't worry: there are many sites that offer free downloads for movie subtitles and TV series subtitles (at least the most famous ones). Find out in this guide the best subtitle sites for movies and TV series.
Best movie and TV series subtitle sites August 2021
Among the best sites with your language subtitles, it could not be missing OpenSubTitles.org, a true authority on subtitles in any language. If you are looking for a subtitle for a particular movie and in a language to study (for example you can download subtitles in French or English) you can use this free service to download as many subtitles as you want. THE subtitles in your language are downloadable without registration, then you just need to find them and download them in a handy ZIP file containing subtitles in SRT format (the most compatible with readers and players).

You can use the service using the link below.
LINK | OpenSubTitles.org
Following the closure of two of the most important sites dethecated to offering subtitles in our local language (read below: Itasa and Subsfactory), many of the translators have continued their amateur translation work on large foreign portals.
Beyond the interface which may seem very spartan, Adthec7ed boasts a significant amount of subtitles and is constantly updated.
LINK | Adthec7ed
Among the sites dethecated to the subs scene we cannot fail to point out one of those that are gaining greater visibility in recent times: Subscene.
All subtitles are available for download without registration but remember to insert the “your language” language among the filters to search only for files available in our local language.
LINK | Subscene
This is a slightly thefferent portal from those proposed in this article; In fact, the EasySubtitles site searches for the most suitable subtitles based on the video file we provide as input (a simple drag & drop operation is sufficient).
If the subtitles we are looking for are not available, you can enter your email address and receive a notification when someone enters it.
LINK | EasySubtitles
Itasa - subs.net - updated: no longer in business
One of the most active communities in the creation of your language subtitles for films and TV series is cittàn Subs Adthected, often abbreviated to Itasa. Here you can find up-to-date subtitles for the most popular TV series and popular movies right from the homepage. If you can't find what you are looking for you can always use the search bar at the top left to find the subtitle file you are looking for. In order to download these subtitles, a free registration is required, which can be done from the following link.
LINK | Itasa registration
Once registered you can find any subtitle by logging in from the homepage, available as a link below.
LINK | Itasa
Subsfactory - updated: no longer in business
Another community very active in translating and generating i subtitles for movies e TV series is the Subsfactory community.

Also in this case you can find a large number of subtitles even for older films and TV shows, so you can savor the subtitles with your large collection of films saved on your PC over all these years. Subfactory allows you to download subtitles without any registration, very useful for those who have no time to waste and want to immediately get the material to add to the playback.

To visit Subsfactory, use the link below.
LINK | Subsfactory
Subspethea - updated: no longer in business
I would like to point out another great completely your language site from which you can retrieve updated subtitles and with a great level of precision in sync with the autheo: Subspethea. Although the site may at first glance be a bit confusing, just use the search bar to find the subtitle you were looking for immediately. Again, registration is not required to download subtitles.
Go to Subspethea using the link below.
LINK | Subspethea
Download subtitles therectly with VLC
You've seen the best movie and TV show subtitle sites so far, but what if you need to download subtitles without visiting any sites while playing on your PC? In this case you can focus on the VLC video player, which also integrates a subtitle download system among its many options.
If you haven't done it yet, download VLC for free on your PC from the following link.
Once the program is open, just take you to the View menu and click on the item Download Subtitles.
A new window will open where you can search for the title of the film or the title of the episode (in the case of TV series).
Once you have found the subtitles you were looking for, just click on “Download selection” to add them to the video file being played.
Best movie and TV series subtitle sites