How to return
Rocket League works from simple physics and mechanics, but the key is to use them creatively to craft the best action at the given moment. Flipping is the first thing you'll likely understand how to use it effectively, which is good because it's also the most important. To flip all you have to do is press jump to get up into the air, then press again while holding the left analog stick in the direction you want your car to turn.
You can use it to perform a forward flip, either propel the ball or move quickly in that direction, a side flip to hit a shot or get out of the way, or a back flip to slow down or try for a shot / go back. . The combinations are endless, but there are some things to keep in mind. After entering the air, whether via a jump or some other method, you can wait a second or two before hitting again to jump. Timing is key to getting the perfect shots or passes, so test it in practice. Take the time to understand the gap between the jump and the flip, and familiarize yourself with how each direction works. A backflip can turn into a forward rollover if you've gone over the vertical, for example.
How to fly
Once you have the flip down, you are likely going to participate in matches where your opponents can fly all around the map. Don't be intimidated by this, it's easier than it looks. Flying simply involves using the boost in flight, but it will take a lot of practice to get precise with it. To perform the action, just jump or climb through the air in any way you can, then tilt your car vertically or in an upward direction you want to go, then keep pushing. Do not get it stuck or hold it there, as you will quickly burn out. Instead, you usually want to feather it, touch it to gain or maintain altitude, and then let it wait a second or two.
Once you are in the air you can maintain control of the car with the analog stick, just be patient and give yourself plenty of time to practice. Always keep an eye on how much boost you have left, as you don't want to go up for a shot and then fall back to the ground to let the opponent take a free kick. Hold your course and hit the boost to control your speed and you should be in control. A good practice method is to practice and try to fly around the edge of the map. Once you are ready, you can begin to incorporate rollers into the mixture.
How to ride
Rolling in the air is pretty much the same as rotating in the field. Your Powerlide button controls both (check your settings as it may be different depending on the platform and controller type). Just like you use it to powerlide to turn sharply on the ground, it can be used in the air to roll your car. Normally, using the analog stick in the air will cause you to turn, facing the direction you are pointing. When you hold down the Powerlide button, your car will roll in that direction. You can use it later to perform more precise shots and passes, as you use specific spots on your car to hit the ball.
So that's how to flip, fly and ride in Rocket League. These are tips for beginners that further explain how to start getting used to these methods, as they require muscle memory developed over a lot of practice time. Give them a chance and you should be reaching higher rank levels soon.