Assassin's Creed Valhalla Colony is upgraded by constructing buildings or completing story arcs.
Your colony in Assassin's Creed Valhalla will be one of six ranks, starting at rank 1 once you arrive in a not-so-happy England. To rank it and unlock additional buildings for construction, you will need to do one of the following two things. The former is the fastest, but will depend on your power level. Christian monasteries are scattered all over England and can be found on the map via the red double axes. These are Viking raids, and looting these holy sites will yield the raw materials and supplies needed to construct buildings in your outpost.
There are two ways you can initiate a raid. Approach by rowboat and press the Raid button (Y on Xbox) to sound your battle horn and start the raid, or approach on foot and select the "Start Raid" options from the quick-select radial menu (D-Pad below). Once a raid begins, you will need to eliminate some guards and force open the doors that lead to the raw material caches. These are marked on your compass by a gold barrel, and you'll want the nearby guards dead as you'll need a companion AI to both help you open the door and slide the lid off. furniture. If your companions are busy fighting, they won't help you, so if you find yourself waiting for someone to help you check the area for hostiles.
You can return to your colony and use these supplies and raw materials to construct new buildings in your colony. The first buildings will cost around 400 supplies and 25 raw materials, but as your colony increases in rank, the new buildings will cost more. Fortunately, you can loot additional supplies from small caches in the raid locations (which aren't marked on the map, but will appear and light up yellow when you trigger Odin Sight), but the raw materials are not found. than in large raid caches. Each building you build will advance the Ranking Gauge, but the higher your rank, the more you will need to build to advance it. If you're struggling to find supplies, build the Cartographer's Hut and he'll sell you maps for any supplies you might have missed in the areas you've visited.
Finally, you can advance the bar by completing “alliance” area arcs from the alliance card. Each area will have a reward icon, and a greenish blue arrow indicates that completing this arc will advance your colony's ranking counter. These naturally take longer to complete than raiding and building, but they provide more per meter than a single building. Raid and complete the story to upgrade your settlement from a small camp to a bustling village and reap the rewards that go with it.