Android-x86 offers you to install Android Nougat 7.1 on PC, an efficient recycling solution to boost its performance. For several years, this group has given the possibility of installing the Google system on old computers under Intel or AMD chip, to transform them into multimedia machines. Here, it offers a real multitasking system which will allow you to launch several applications at the same time! Of course, the steps to install this system on your computer are detailed below.
Install Android Nougat 7.1 on PC and even on Mac is now possible thanks to the latest deployment version offered by Android-x86. This allows you to benefit from the functionalities of the Nougat operating system on your PC, laptop, or old Mac. A system that is compatible for both 32-bit as well as 64-bit machines! This new version offers an interesting update, but also offers a lot of stabilization and debugging of the system, compared to the two previous versions released in June and October 2021.
Android-x86: how to install Android Nougat 7.1 on PC
To install Android Nougat 7.1 on your old computer, you must first download and save the 7.1-r1 iso file, making sure to select the version suitable for your system, whether it is 32 bits or 'a 64-bit. Then, all you have to do is create a bootable USB stick with the downloaded file. Rufus is a great tool to do this, it is available by following this link. Once the tool is launched, follow these steps:
- Select your USB key in Peripheral
- Choose MBR partition type for BIOS or UEFI-CSM in Partition type and destination system
- On the right of Create a boot disk choose ISO Image then click on the icon to the right of the drop-down menu to browse your files.
- Select the ISO image you downloaded earlier
- Click on Start and wait a few minutes for the process to be complete before you can eject your Android Nougat 7.1 USB key.
With this key, you can either install Android Nougat 7.1 on an old computer by booting from it, or use it portable. Indeed, the latest improvements made by Android-x86 allow the system to be used from the USB key, without installing it directly on the machine! It should be noted that obviously this version supports keyboard and mouse and is compatible with the Google Play Store. Also, Android Nougat 7.1 on computer is able to support multiple windows, thus offering the possibility of launching several applications at the same time.
Your old computer, which was becoming really limited, can therefore live a second life and become, for example, a new everyday multimedia tool. Weather, music, mails, you will have the minimum and it will work very well!
- Android 7.0 Nougat
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