You have just received your brand new Android smartphone. You are impatient, we understand it completely. However, you are strongly advised to follow a few quick little steps before you can fully use your Android smartphone. We give you 7 of them in order to start the adventure as well as possible.
The next lines of this tutorial concern all newcomers. Those 7 steps to follow before using your new terminal will allow you to start on a good basis with your Android smartphone.
Very often, we allow ourselves to be overcome by impatience and tend to rush to the object in order to discover all its capacities, but this kind of behavior taking precedence over a minute of reflection can sometimes cause problems, which they may be benign or not.
7 steps to follow before using your new Android smartphone
This will probably sound obvious to many of you, however, on several occasions people have realized after the fact thatparts were missing or that their smartphone had some anomalies.
So make sure that your new acquisition is in good condition, that everything is shiny, smooth, spotless. Also remember to carefully study the instructions and warranty conditions; on this subject, Sony recently wanted to put the dots on the "i" about the water resistance of its Xperia Z5.
It is important to stay informed as well as possible via specialized blogs (like ours for example) on the news of the brands of your terminals in order to keep a constant follow-up on the operation of your devices, their updates, etc. .
Coming back to our unpacking, generally, the boxes contain a small tool allowing you to disassemble your smartphone, remember to keep it in the event of a change of SIM card or battery. One micro-USB cable allowing you to load and store your data as well as headphones should also be included.
Download data
Once everything is in order and you have all the elements, you will have to put the smartphone on charge because the next few hours may be intense enough for its battery, an interruption would not be welcome at this important stage. So put yourself on the mains.
The second step at this level is to connect to a Wi-Fi network if possible. A lot of data may be downloaded and you do not want to use up your data plan, which is why we recommend that you connect to a local network.
First time logging in to Google
As soon as you switch on your brand new phone, a little integrated tutorial should show you the next steps to follow. First of all, you need connect to your google account (create it if you don't have one yet). You can skip this step however, you will be at a great disadvantage and not get the full Android experience, with Google overseeing a lot of apps and managing all your connected devices.
Logging into Google gives you access to a lot of services offered by the Mountain View giant and moreover, will synchronize the time, date, your contacts automatically and many others. If you had an Android before, the smartphone will connect directly to the Play Store and download the apps you had on your old model.
Familiarize yourself with the menus
We tend to neglect this step, claiming that we will have plenty of time to come back to it later or that by force, we will remember the location of this or that function. Usually, this ends up being a trial and error of searching through the many options offered by your phone.
So, as long as your new terminal is not swamped with applications, take the opportunity to create a cognitive map of its menus, find where a given setting, option, etc. is located. It may sound tedious and boring, but in the long run, you will save precious time in your manipulations.
Disable operator / manufacturer applications
These are the applications we call "bloatware". These services imposed by manufacturers and operators in order to maintain a presence (this can earn them money) on your device generally end up taking a heavy toll on your device's memory. Recent information announced that some of these applications integrated into certain smartphones from Xiaomi or Lenovo could contain spyware.
The easiest way is to get rid of these applications, you risk using them very little anyway. During the first configuration of your mobile, you will also be asked if you want additional services, including protection against malware, do not hesitate to decline these requests. Keep in mind that the only thing you need to do at this step is to sign in to your Google account, nothing else.
Once all the settings are complete, go to the Application menu under Settings. Find out which apps were already there before you got to grips with the device. If solutions exist to uninstall them, deactivating them will already be a good thing.
Secure your smartphone
This is one of the most crucial points for the majority of you. Your smartphone will contain private information to strengthen the security of your data, whether it is your bank details, your messages or your photos / videos.
The first bases of protection obviously remain the establishment of a PIN code and pattern lock. Some Android devices offer additional services such as SmartLock allowing you to use your smartphone close to a familiar Bluetooth or Wi-Fi network but which will remain locked in another location.
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Design your Android desktop
Even if your smartphone downloads your old applications, nothing forces you to stay in the past, take advantage of your new device to test their abilities by trying new applications, whether they use the fingerprint reader, or the new technologies of your photo sensor. You can also customize your device a little more by downloading new launchers or even keyboards like SwiftKey, one of the best alternative keyboards for better typing.
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Did you practice these seven steps to follow previously ? Do not hesitate to tell us in the comments what are the first things you like to do with a brand new smartphone, if you have small habits, rituals in the personalization of your Android.
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