The Alchemy Lab teleporter puzzle solution is visible through the window.
Amnesia's Alchemy Lab: Rebirth is one of the shortest levels in the game, and it's pretty easy to navigate. Electricity pylons direct energy from a source to a node, even through walls, so you'll use them to progress. Until the puzzle, it's rather linear and simple: take a pylon, then roll it until a door opens. Pretty simple stuff, especially once you realize that the beam is not hampered by a massive.
Once you reach the room with a sign covered in ruins, you will find a small enclosure filled with cubes on the right with empty vitae cans. For starters, you'll want to find fully loaded blue canisters, both of which are in the same room. Exit the teleport room and head down the hallway on your right (assuming you're not facing the lab). The door on the left leads to a balcony which has doubled as a search area, and here you will find the two vitae cans. Catch them then return to the laboratory.
Place the cans under the enclosure, then double it and take an electricity pylon. Bring it into the lab to open the door to the right and grab the orb inside. Once you have the orb, place it on the pedestal between the pillars in front of the runic panel, then place the power pylon in the enclosure. You will now need to set the marker on the panel to match the three required runes, which can be seen through the window in the other room (and in my Amnesia: Rebirth screenshot above).
Once you've selected the right combination of runes, press the red button at the top of the panel to activate the teleporter, send the power pylon into the other room, and open the door. The Shadow will appear, so rush to the other room and cross the rift to get to safety. Congratulations, you have solved the teleporter puzzle and successfully escaped the alchemy lab in Amnesia: Rebirth.