Age of Empires Definitive Edition is now available on the Windows Store for less than $ 20. Many players, nostalgic for the license and impatient to discover this version remastered in 4K, rushed to the game. The only downside, and significant: the video game does not work. As reported by several users, Age of Empires Definitive Edition refuses to launch on their computer!
This is the big day ! This Tuesday, February 20, 2021, Age of Empires Definitive Edition arrives on the Windows Store. This graphic revamp of the famous video game released in 1997 includes the Rise of Rome expansion, a multiplayer mode, 9 historical scenarios, Xbox Live and a new soundtrack. For now, the title is reserved exclusively for players on Windows 10.
Age of Empires Definitive Edition: the remastered 4K version is the victim of a bug, it refuses to work!
For just $ 19,99, the game promises hundreds of hours of playtime. But before enjoying it, you must first Age of Empires Definitive Edition agrees to get started. As several users report, in many cases video game unfortunately does not work. As a result, the comments section of the Windows Store was buried under criticism.
In just a few hours, the game's rating literally collapsed. At the time of this writing, Age of Empires Definitive Edition is stagnating at less than 3 stars on the Windows Store. “It's 8:00 am on the game's release day… don't start yet I have the necessary configuration by far!” says one of the comments. While not all players seem to be affected by the bug, it is apparently very widespread. “I was able to play last night and since this morning, I launch the game and it closes directly, Microsoft you are really disappointing a little more every day” laments another player.
For now, Microsoft has yet to make any official comments. We do not yet know the cause of this bug. Microsoft's assistance is in fact limited to advising injured players to uninstall and reinstall the video game. Did you encounter installation or launch problems? Would you rather wait until Age of Empires IV, a new episode that will be released 13 years after the 3rd?
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