We are used to hearing that manufacturers aim to be neutral in their carbon footprint, and everyone (of those who dare to do so, because it's not easy) has set different deadlines to achieve it.
However, perhaps it is time that not only manufacturers take this responsibility and that we, as consumers, do our best to compensate for our need for modern devices that allow us to lead the 'always connected' lifestyle that comes to us. imposed. society.
An example of proactive action when it comes to offsetting the pollution that is generated so that you can have the latest generation devices in your hands is looking for companies that focus on sustainable technology.
What it means to have a zero-carbon footprint
Having a carbon neutral footprint, being carbon neutral, or CO2 neutral, means that the difference in functioning between what is emitted to produce, with what is compensated by other means is zero.
You can also see it as the net greenhouse gas emissions released into the environment equal to zero.
Having a zero-carbon footprint means that the end result of an activity or process has not emitted more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than it has been able to capture or remove.
For example, although Apple continues to pollute to produce its iPhones, iPads or Macs for the time being, all of its offices and stores are "powered" with renewable energy, so that, to some extent, they compensate for what they pollute. recycle energy.
Apple is making an environmental effort to become a carbon neutral company by 2030.
To do this, Apple has announced that more than 110 of its suppliers around the world will use 100% renewable energy in the products they manufacture for Apple. Additionally, it created the nearly $ 200 billion Green Bond fund to invest in projects that eliminate carbon emissions and bring renewable energy to local communities, as well as announce a $ XNUMX million effort to protect the world's forests. accelerating natural solutions that protect us from climate change.
That is, it's not that making an iPhone or iPad doesn't pollute, but that Apple is making efforts in other areas to offset that pollution, until the result is zero.

What can we do to help
As consumers there are several things we can do. Of course, we can do our best to use our devices to the last chance, replacing them only when absolutely necessary.
We can also, once its useful life is over for us, recycle it or donate it so that it can continue to serve, or in other communities that do not have as high requirements as our advanced society, or so that its parts can be reused. in a responsible way.
Finally, we can also look for suppliers who have mobile offerings in which they invest a portion of the profit in offsetting pollution and climate change.
For example, the tu.com online shop allows you to choose which project you want to support with your purchase, be it a forest in Brazil, reforestation of the Alto Tajo, etc.
Furthermore, if you buy your device from a supplier with a social conscience, you don't have to give up anything: you have a wide range of technological products to choose from, they ship them to you in 24/48 hours, you can finance the device and if does not convince you you can return it without problems
It's time for us to stop passively buying tech products, looking at the efforts brands can (or can't) make to combat climate change.
As consumers and users we have a responsibility and we must consume as we think: intelligently, consistently and according to our principles.
Therefore, we must also start asking the stores where we shop that if they want us to be their customers, they should make the same effort that we ask of large companies.