When deciding how to best survive a Dead by Daylight match, arguably the most important thing to consider is what perks you want to use.
These abilities can be both passive or active, and when used the right way, completely turn the tide of the entire game against the killer. Some perks are only available to certain characters while some can be taught to other Survivors when you reach a certain level.
You're going to want to use some perks every now and then, and then there are the perks that you probably want to bring with you to every game. This is the category in which the benefits of this list fall. These are the top 10 perks a Survivor can use when trying to escape in Dead by Daylight.
10. Borrowed time

This advantage is acquired by Bill Williams, our grizzled veteran and favorite zombie. This is a fairly specific benefit but can be of great help when used correctly. The perk works as such: When you safely pick up a teammate within a killer's terror radius, it changes any attack that could put the Survivor in a dying state to an attack that only effects the effect. Deep Wound instead.
It gives you a window of time to escape, which is huge for those matches with those dirty, ugly campers.
9. Personal care

Self-Care can more or less erase any need for a medical kit in a game, as it allows Survivors to heal by 20% at level III, at the simple cost of slower healing. You can use it over and over in a match, and one person with Self-Care can keep their entire team healed. A very useful tool for a game with a lot of injuries.
Claudette Morel will benefit from this advantage.
8. Adrenaline

This may not be useful for a good majority of your matches, but once the Escape Gates are ready to be opened, it becomes incredibly powerful. Adrenaline will kick in when these gates are energized and cause Survivors to heal a health condition, as well as gain a 150% five second sprint bonus.
7. Bond

Dwight can gain this advantage and it gives him the ability to see the auras and locations of his allies when they are within 20/28/36 yards. It might not seem like much, but knowing where your teammates are can be overwhelming. It will let you know who is working on which generator, as well as where the killer is if attacked.
6. Dead Hard

A killer is chasing you? You can use this perk to gain speed and avoid an attack. This applies when you are in an injured state and can help so much when you get that dash at the best possible time. It can cause the Exhausted status effect, but boy, it's worth it.
You can gain this advantage with David King.
5. Inner strength

Another pretty specific perk that can be a savior in a pinch. This perk allows you, after clearing a totem, to hide in a locker for 10/9/8 seconds to return to a healing state when injured or under the effect of deep wound status. It is a good situation both for hiding and for healing.
Nancy Wheeler will earn you this benefit.
4. Sprint Burst

Man, can this perk really put you out of harm's way when you need it. This perk allows you to sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for up to 3 seconds. The different levels will determine how long you will be in the state of exhaustion afterwards (60/50/40).
Meg Thomas is your daughter for this benefit.
3. Shivering of the spine

This perk helps a lot when the killer is near you, as it alerts you when the killer is looking in your direction while within 36 yards. However, this comes at a price, as your chance for skill checks is increased by 10% and the hit areas for those checks are reduced by 10%. But that doesn't take away from the fact that it also boosts your speed for just about everything and can help you escape when you need to.
All survivors can learn this benefit.
2. Urban escape

We can't say enough about how useful this benefit is. It increases your squatting speed. At its highest level, it will double your character's speed compared to other survivors. This basically allows you to walk around, crouch, the whole game to avoid being seen and not feeling slowed down at all. It's enormous.
Nea Karlsson is the one who learned this ability.
1. Decisive strike

Perfect for those of us who often find ourselves caught by the killer, Decisive Strike gives you a quick skill check once picked up that, if hit the right way, will get you going from there. Even more, this stuns the killer for five seconds, which is a good amount of time to get some distance between you and them. Even if it makes you obsessive afterwards, it's still worth it.
The Screaming Queen herself, Laurie Strode, gains this advantage.