Looking to collect the new items for Crafted Combat Gear in Patch 5.2? Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.2, Echoes of a Fallen Star, adds a new level of crafted combat gear. New equipment means new recipes and new recipes mean rare new rugs to collect.
Collection requirements
You must be a level 80 miner or botanist to be able to gather in the new nodes. You will also need to have purchased the folklore books for Norvrandt. You may have unlocked them earlier in Shadowbringers, so check your Botany and Mining Log to see if the new nodes appear. These collection books are available from the Splendors vendor in Eulmore in exchange for Yellow Gatherer's Scrip. Mining Nodes require Tome of Geological Folklore, while Botany nodes call for Tome of Botanical Folklore.
The equipment requirements for these items are relatively low. Your perception must be above 2140 to have a chance to collect an item. , some nodes grant you bonus collection attempts. You'll want to stack as many GPs as possible so you can use skills like King's Yield II or Blessed Harvest II to boost your shot.
New botany nodes
12:00 - 2:00 Eorzean, Kholusia: Imperial Fern
16 h 00 – 18 h 00 Eorzean, Am Araeng: Duskbloom
8h00 - 10h00 Eorzean, Il Mheg: Merbau Log
New exploration nodes
14h00 – 16h00 Eorzean, Lakeland: Fireheart Cobalt
6h00 – 8h00 – Eorzean, The Tempest: Purpure Shell
10:00 - 12:00 Eorzean, AHM Ahraeng: Ashen Alumen
Collecting the alarm macro
You can set up an in-game alarm to alert you when each of these nodes becomes available. Select System> User Macros and paste the text below into the text box. Right click on the macro icon to activate these alarms.

/ alarm "Lakeland M" and rp 0200 1 / alarm "Ahm Ara B" and rp 0400 1 / alarm "Tempest M" and rp 0600 1 / alarm "Il Mehg B" and rp 0800 1 / alarm "Ahm Ara M" and rp 1000 1 / alarm "Lakeland M" and rp 1400 1 / alarm "Ahm Ara B" and rp 1600 1 / alarm "Tempest M" and rp 1800 1 / alarm "Il Mehg B" and rp 2000 1 / alarm "Ahm Ara M "and rp 2200 1