A journey into the past. Attractive for the nostalgic and curious for those interested in the past of Apple's operating system.
Available as an installable application, the emulator recreates a 900 Macintosh Quadra 1991, with a Motorola CPU, which is the one Apple used before moving to the PowerPC (Apple / IBM / Motorola) architecture in the mid-90s (and is now about to change again, towards an ARM architecture).
Being programmed in JavaScript (so don't expect extreme speeds in moving files and applications), it's also available for Windows and Linux.
In addition, it includes a variety of games and program demos, taken from an old 1997 CD, of the type included in MacWorld magazine. Pre-installed software includes Oregon Trail, Duke Nukem 3D, Civilization II, Alley 19 Bowling, Damage Incorporated, and Dungeons & Dragons. Included software demos include Photoshop 3, Premiere 4, Illustrator 5.5, StuffIt Expander, and Apple's Web Page Builder Kit.
Although it also includes Internet Explorer and Netscaper Navigator applications, unfortunately it is not possible to connect to the internet from inside the emulator, because everything has changed a lot in these thirty years, but if you want to have fun using a Mac as it was three years ago decades, you like it for sure.
Download the version you want here.