Apex Legends Season 6 started off with the most drastic weapon balance change in game history. Not only were some weapons changed, added, and removed, but in-game armor values decreased by 25 across the board, which resulted in a huge shock to the TTK (time to kill) values of most guns. We'd love to report that the game's notoriously unbalanced roster of lethal hardware has finally struck balance, but it hasn't. Some Apex Legends weapons are much more powerful than others, which is where this tier list comes in.
SS rank weapons
These are the winners of the current meta. Learn to use them or learn to accept defeat.

The Mastiff is currently the most dangerous shotgun in Apex Legends. It's very explosive up close and can deal surprisingly consistent damage at medium range thanks to its built-in ADS choke. On top of that, it reloads one shell at a time, allowing you to maintain pressure better than other weapons in the game. When using the Mastiff at a distance other than close range, be sure to aim at the body to inflict maximum damage.
Triple take

The Triple Take was secretly still Apex Legends' strongest sniper rifle, and now the secret has been revealed. With a built-in choke, fast rate of fire, large mag capacity, and excellent projectile speed, the Triple Take is the best card DMR in the game and one of the most flexible weapons in the game overall.

With the departure of the R-99, the Prowler takes center stage as the primary close-range weapon in Apex Legends. The Prowler has a very high DPS and magazine size, two reliable fire modes, and it can equip the threat optics at close range which is essential.
Scout you G7

This ex-DMR is still a DMR in terms of what you can achieve with him. The Scout is extremely precise and can take people down very quickly at any distance. Along with the Double Tap Trigger hop-up, this gun also has good burst. He doesn't need coins to kill and will never run out of ammo. The only downside is that it still behaves like a DMR, slowing your movement speed by around 90% when aiming.

The Wingman is the only weapon to stay at the top of the Apex Legends meta consistently every season so far. It hits very hard, with or without the Skullpiercer hop-up, and is precise over long range. It has two custom properties that are not shared by any other weapon in the game. First, it reloads at the same speed whether it's a partial or full reload. Second, it has a maximum headshot range of 250 yards, which is longer than any pistol, shotgun, SMG, or LMG in the game.
S-level weapons
These weapons are almost as powerful as the SS level and can sometimes outperform them.

The Havoc has a new recoil pattern in Season 6 of Apex Legends, making it less effective at long range. Other than that, it's still one of the most powerful weapons in the game when it comes to raw damage, which is really the only metric that matters. With the return of the energy ammo loaders and the turbocharger hop-up, the Havoc is really well placed in this season's meta.

This LMG is extremely powerful when fully equipped, and not so much before that. Either way, get ready to carry a ton of energy ammo to feed him.

The EVA-8 is a fully automatic shotgun that can reliably take out damaged enemies and mark moving targets better than most other dedicated short range pistols. The Double Tap trigger makes this an extremely vivid weapon.

Apex Legends' most unique LMG, the L-Star deals extreme damage up close and can be used very effectively by Rampart, which has an easier time with the weapon's overheat mechanics.

It is Apex Legends' less flashy assault rifle and the most reliable. The Flatline deals heavy damage at close to medium range, needs no parts to function well, and pairs well with the Wingman.

Even though it has gradually lost its focus on spicier weapons like the Havoc, the R-301 is still one of Apex Legends' most trusted pistols. DPS, accuracy, reload speed, light ammo: this gun has it all.
Charge Rifle, Sentry, and Longbow

These three weapons behave somewhat differently from each other, but have the same relative power in the current Apex Legends meta, which rewards dedicated snipers. Each has a unique drawback: The longbow needs attachments, the Sentinel is slow and bulky, and the Charge Rifle eats two ammo per shot.
A weapons of rank
These weapons are by no means weak, but they don't give you so many obvious advantages and require you to work harder to get results.
fire eater

Rampart can be decently effective with the Spitfire, and for all other legends, this is only an average midrange gun. Either way, put a barrel stabilizer on it as soon as you can.

With the armor changes of Season 6, Mozambique has become a really strong side arm, able to finish damaged players very quickly. The shotgun has the fastest rate of fire in the class and can hit perfect headshots from a decent distance when aiming. This weapon still requires a combination of precision and the Hammerpoint Rounds hop-up to function, but that's no longer a joke.

The Volt is an energy ammunition SMG that serves as the spiritual successor to the R-99. It has medium accuracy and high DPS. Against the backdrop of all the other meta guns this season, the Volt feels a bit useless, especially since every other energy weapon outshines it in terms of damage and effective range. Until this weapon finds its place, we hesitate to place it higher on the list.

Still the specialist option, the Hemlok is actually not a bad weapon at all. It has super high damage per turn, excellent ADS and hipfire accuracy, and two fire modes. The problem is, without a fully automatic fire option, the Hemlok gives opponents more options to recover and outdo you.
B-level weapons

At the bottom of the barrel we have the Apex Legends weapons that are either extremely situational or downright under-tuned: P2020, Alternator, and RE-45. Using any of these weapons clearly puts you at a disadvantage. On top of that, they compete for parts with the much more powerful R-301 and G7 Scouts.
Provide drop weapons

The R-99, Kraber, and Peacekeeper are Season 6 weapons. When it comes to strength, these are the best weapons in their respective classes. Their only downside is the limited amount of ammo they deliver and the fact that enemy squads are likely to converge on the pod location.