Titans in Destiny 2 are often the butt of jokes about the simplicity of class play. You move forward, hit things, then level everything with your Super. There are a few more nuances than that, as good Titan players will tell you. Part of the nuance is your build, and how exotic you place your faith. In this guide, we're going to go over some great Exotic options for the Titans.
An insurmountable Skullfort
Insurmountable Skullfort has just had a great time in Destiny since it was first introduced to the game. As a Titan, you generally love to hit people and are willing to risk your life and body to make it happen. This exotic will heal you and fully replenish your melee energy if you get a kill with a Arc melee ability. This means you can endlessly mingle lesser enemies in melee, and even other Crucible Guardians, into oblivion, and as long as you get that kill, it will reset again.
You can get this Exotic from Exotic Engrams or from Xur.
Heart of the most intimate light
The Heart of Inner Light will give you faster ability regeneration, higher melee damage, more grenade damage, and stronger barricades when you use an ability, making it quite an interesting and strong exotic. It's reasonably rare for an Exotic to give out so many potential bonuses, making them a complete choice for any class or subclass of Titan.
You can get this Exotic from Exotic Engrams or from Xur.
Synthoceps will give you greater range on your melee attacks, which is a big advantage in PvP. It will also cause you to increase damage when surrounded, so when two or more enemies are close to you. Synthcopes live or die depending on your build, so we recommend code the Juggernaut with that to take advantage of that potential for extra damage.
You can get this Exotic from Exotic Engrams or from Xur.
One-eyed mask
While the One-Eye Mask is no longer incredibly mastered, it remains a great PvP Exotic. Any enemy that damages you will be marked, giving you an instant advantage when it comes to engaging in what would be a blind shoot. Killing that marked enemy will then give you greater shield and increased damage.
You can get this Exotic from Exotic Engrams or from Xur.
Helm of Saint-14
The Helm of Saint-14 allows your Ward of Dawn to blind enemies that enter it. Guarding with Sentinel Shield temporarily blinds nearby enemies. The Ward of Dawn is an exceptionally powerful Super, providing excellent protection for your entire team, and the Helm of Saint-14 only adds to it.
You can get this Exotic from Exotic Engrams or from Xur.
Espaulier de Doom Fang
The Doom Fang Pauldron is badly under-sold by the game description. The Horns of Doom perk will allow Void melee kills to grant super energy, while also upgrading your sentry shield. What it actually does is allow you melee kills to reload your shield throw when your Super is active, letting you absolutely spam melee, shield throws and whatever else you want. do while you endlessly regenerate your Super energy.
You can get this Exotic from Exotic Engrams or from Xur.