From GamersLance, we want to explain the best Terraria accessories. For this video game, you have to take into account different concepts and objects: Armor, Lava, Magic, Speed, Weapon, Wings, Shield, Mana... All this you will have to take into account to know which items are useful for your character.
After a series of updates to the side-scrolling mega-hit, Terraria, there are certainly now enough accessories to lose count. From yoyos to projectiles, the game certainly has some strange looking useless tools. However, some of the most ridiculously sounding items are actually the rarest and most beneficial of the bunch and most of them come to light. The open-world survival game is certainly a challenging endeavor, so if you're looking for just one, look no further. From items that offer incredible speed to damaging physical attacks, here's our list of the best supplies needed to master any mode in the game.
10. Yoyo Bag

Yes, it barely makes the cut here, but it's a truly powerful helper. The Yoyo Bag allows characters to use two yoyos at the same time, for quick and brutal attacks. To obtain the Yoyo Bag, players must collect a white string, the Yoyo Glove, and any colored counterweight. It should be noted that, like most powerful accessories, this one can only be acquired on hard mode. It's worth it, as some yoyos can do up to 190 damage, such as the Terrarian and The Eye of Cthulhu.
9. Vortex Booster

The Vortex Booster is a level 10 quality item from the Vortex Pillar set. Equipped with the booster, players will be able to fly, with slowed time during falls. The most significant feature of the Vortex Booster is the fact that it enables 300% faster speed, while soaring from left to right. As if it couldn't get any better, it also doubles the flight time. To collect the wing type, users must create 10 luminite bars along with 14 vortex shards.
8. Paladin's shield

The paladin's shield is a defensive player's dream from above. The shield offers 25% damage reduction to all members of your team, making it a must-have for multiplayer. If you want to extract its best abilities for solo use, you will have to combine it with the Guardian prefix to get the 10 points of the shield for defense. Without the prefix, the Paladin shield still grants six manageable points, as a level eight item. Players wishing to find this will need to reach and defeat the Paladin boss in the dungeon on hard mode.
7. Master Ninja Gear

With the use of the Master Ninja Gear, it is quite possible to simultaneously use the Tiger Climbing Gear, the Tabi and the Black Belt. As expected, the Master Ninja Gear recipe is actually just these three items, once in the DIY workshop. Then, with it, you can punch or wall-jump, run through the air and have an 11.5% chance of dodging incoming Lava, Spike or Trap attacks. The equipment is a level 8 accessory.
6. Frostspark Boots

If you have the shiny boots and ice skates, you can create the sixth best accessory in the game, the Frostspark boots. The boots combine the two abilities of the other, providing faster running and flying, as well as additional mobility on the ice. When equipped, movement will increase by 7% and increase one set of maximum wing height. Although this is a level 7 item, players can obtain it before hard mode. You can discover ice skates in snow biomes, but lighting boots are exclusive to crafting, which requires wraith boots, wind ankle and aglet.
5. Fire gauntlet

A highly sought after accessory for all terrariums is the gauntlet of fire. The gauntlet relies on your melee damage enough to make it much easier to deal with bosses. However, the resulting possible fire damage can only be applied to physical items, so mages are out of luck here. The good news is that you don't have to go through the hard mode, and it can only be created with Magma Stone and Mechanical Glove. To begin your journey to the fire gauntlet, look for some lava bats, which are known to throw magma stones. Meanwhile, the Mechinal Glove should be obtained by crafting with the Avenger Emblem and Power Glove.
4. Destroyer Emblem

Speaking of the Avenger Emblem, it is also an ingredient of the Destroyer Emblem, which you can choose to have on the Fire Gauntlet. It's also a smart choice, especially for those who aren't attacking up close. Take it: The Destroyer Emblem is a much more impactful accessory. Although, like other emblems, it also deals 10% more damage on all attacks, but its best strength is its ability to add an 8% critical hit chance. The Destroyer Emblem can only be built with the Avenger Emblem and the Eye of the Golem. It should be noted that The Destroyer does not drop it, as many originally believed.
3. Ankh Shield

The Ankh Shield has enough features to allow players to become unstoppable. Once equipped, you will be immune to knockdowns and will be able to avoid any damage to blocks. Disadvantages can be prevented with the shield, such as slow, confusion, curse and poison, among others, which makes this shield better than the Paladin. You can build the Ankh shield by combining the Ankh amulet and the obsidian shield. Be careful, the amulet is difficult to make, as you will need the plan, the blindfold, the counter nurse mantra, the armor booster and the medicine bandage. Players will usually find it easier to collect these items simply by playing in normal mode.
2. Celestial Carapace

After Update 1.3, the added Celestial Helmet easily became the most interesting accessory, as it turns the player into a werewolf at night and a newt in the water. Unfortunately, you can stack its abilities, but it's a powerful accessory nonetheless. The carapace grants 10% bonus damage, 2% additional critical hit chance and 4 additional defense points. On top of that, health regeneration becomes faster when you are one of these creatures. As you may have guessed, you will need to craft the Celestial Stone and the Moon Shell to obtain this outrageous accessory.
1. Worm scarf

If you think you can conquer the Devourer of Worlds, one of the seven main bosses, then you will be able to collect, in our mind, the best accessory in Terraria. In the lands of corruption, you will have to destroy three Shadow Orbs with hammers or bombs. Then, you will see the boss charging you. Once defeated, you're guaranteed to implode, with a number of items surrounding your corpse. One of those items is the Revolutionary Worm Scarf, which is an expert level attachment. With it activated, you will take 17% less damage from all attacks. Ultimately, this will make your character a much greater threat to enemies, both in single player and multiplayer.
Of course, some of these accessories are interchangeable depending on the class you are using. If you already own these items and are still looking for your abilities to reach new heights, we have also researched the best performing wings in the game.