Halfway through The Last of Us Part II, you'll leave Ellie behind and start playing as the previous antagonist and WLF Abby foot soldier. With deltoids like you wouldn't believe and her own set of five skill trees in which to pump supplements, she works a little differently than Ellie.
There's no wrong way to play the game, but we've found it to work well playing with Abby's strengths - and my oh my is she strong. As with Ellie, it's not possible to get the most out of everything for Abby in one game. Additionally, skills are unlocked in order, which means you need to unlock the previous skill before you can access some of the best further down the skill tree. Here's our roundup of strategies for getting the most out of your supplements with Abby.
Field tactics
Much like Ellie's Survival Tree, you'll want to maximize this tree as early as possible in order to better analyze situations. Hold one's breath, the third skill in this tree, is not the most necessary, but all the skills that increase your health and improve your listening mode (which are all the other skills in this tree) are extremely useful in any situation.
Covert operations
Unlike Ellie, Abby doesn't have an unbreakable reed switch. This means that you will have to do shivs to survive any direct encounter with Clickers, which is exactly how Joel handled it in the first game. Craft Shivs is a vital skill to unlock ASAP, and Craft More Shivs, the final skill of this tree, will allow you to hold more shivs and craft more at a time with the same number of res