Each Battle Pass in Apex Legends comes with boosts of EXP, 1000 Premium Currencies, and 1200 Craft Metals, but Season 6: Boosted is coming with more types of additional cosmetics than ever before. The Boosted Battle Pass is the first to feature the cosmetic type of “Holo-Sprays”.
Obviously, not everything about a battle pass is something to write about, but we've handpicked the best of Season 6 to make the choice of whether or not to become a premium piece of cake.
Packs Apex

As always, the Premium Battle Pass will double your amount of Apex Packs from 7 to 14, and two of those additional seven will level up: an Epic and a Legendary. The rest, as usual, are rare, but that doesn't mean you won't be lucky just yet.
Legend Skins
There's a whole slew of awesome new skins for Legends this season, and we especially have an eye on the Legendary Bloodhound skin. Here are the coveted Legend skins for Season 6.
Victory Tower (Bangalore Rare Skin)

Hit and Run (skin d'octane rare)

Double Stunt (Rare Mirage Skin)

Full Power (Legendary Pathfinder skin)

Road Warrior (Legendary Bloodhound Skin)

Holo-Sprays are similar to sprays in other games, but they're stand-alone vertical holograms that you can lay on the ground for fun, to mark your territory, or let's be honest: to gloat. Here are the five premium Battle Pass holo-sprays.
Catch Me If You Can! (Octane)

Slatra and victory! (Bloodhound)

Looking for me? (Spectrum)

Bamboozled! (Mirage)

It is not me. It's you. (Loba)

Loading rewards
There are also some flashy weapon charms and skins this season, including some beautiful Legendary skins. Here are the ones that caught our attention.
Weapon charms

Weapon skins

- Hypersonic G7-Scout (legendary)
- Supersonic G7 Scout (Legendary)
- Rollcage Sentinel (Legendary)
- Spray Coat Flatline (Rare)
- Neon Candy RE-45 (epic)
- Hot Pursuit Alternator (rare)
Banner frames
This season, the banner frames on the Battle Pass are pretty flashy and this is the first time we've thought they deserve their own section. These frames are all based on cars and neon colors, and they perfectly match their respective legends. Here are the top five.

- Death Tuner (Revenant)
- On the Lookout (Wraith)
- Fuel injected (octane)
- Bound Boneyard (Bloodhound)
- Moonlight Getaway (Loba)
Honorable mention to Pit Lane (Rampart).
The best of the rest
While there aren't enough high-quality cosmetics from other categories on the Battle Pass for their own sections, here is a collection of the best other cosmetics.

- Controlled Demolition (Bangalore Emote)
- Emotional Wraith
- Spray and Sway (émote Rempart)
- Self-destruct (loading screen)
- Midnight Pint (loading screen)
- Bulwark (Music pack, not shown)
Do you like the addition of Holo-Sprays? Are legendary skins what you were hoping for? Do you buy the season: 6 Boosted? The power is in your hands.