When it comes to competitive first-person shooters, the reticle, which is the on-screen graphic that indicates where you're aiming, is one of the most underrated aspects of how players view the game. It helps point your eyes in the right direction and, of course, pop the heads of the enemy team you see.
But with the ability to customize how you can display your reticle in Valorant, it will naturally be possible to debate which reticle configuration works best. Do you have something elaborate like a large circle or something more inconspicuous like a simple dot in the middle of the screen?
Unlike many mechanics in the game, where there is a clear method of getting the most out of that mechanic, the only real answer to the best crosshair in the game is what you feel most comfortable with. The style of view and play is subjective, which means that something that works for you may not work for others.
For example, the professional streamer Shroud uses a small reticle that shows the four lines of a standard dotless reticle to indicate the exact midpoint.

There could be a number of reasons for this. One could be that it lets you watch where the middle is, but a point can obscure the view of the enemy's head, so Shroud keeps this off so he can clearly see an enemy in the middle of it. the screen.
However, a contrast to that could be this crosshair from the Onscreen Twitch stream, which has played Counter Strike professionally in the past.

As you can see, it's just a single small dot in the middle of the screen. It could just be that once you see a part of an enemy obscured by the dot, you know you are aiming straight at them, however, it could also be a recoil aid.
There's no wrong answer with the reticle, and even some of the wackiest reticles can work for some players.

A good feature of Valorant is that when you look at a teammate after being killed you will see the reticle that they themselves use. This will allow you to see what other types of reticle look like when you look. Meanwhile, the practice shooting range will also allow you to test out a new type of reticle without having to enter a match situation without testing it first.
Ultimately, the best reticle settings in Valorant are different for everyone. Determining what works best for you will take some time to figure out, but practicing with your settings in the shot zone will allow you to experiment to see which one works best for you.