Path of Exile's dungeon-crawling action RPG gameplay draws players in year-round with its ability to create nearly endless builds with each new season. One of the popular archetypes is the Ranger build, which features a variety of damage types, play styles, and seasonal goals.
But with so much flexibility in the Ranger archetype, it can be difficult to determine what makes the best Ranger build. As you can imagine, the answer is a bit complex, as each build is designed to pursue different objectives over the course of a season of Path of Exile. However, we think we have a good Ranger build designed for newbie players, season rookies, or season farmers - the Toxic Ranger.
What is the Toxic Ranger?
The Toxic Ranger is simply a Ranger that prioritizes Chaos Damage with Area of Effect (AoE) abilities. The build is designed for quick leveling, with mobility, great clearance to help teach the mechanics of the season, quick leveling speed to get you to the end of the game, and a low budget to bring in the season. character more easily at the end of the game.
The only downside to the build is that it's not the most hardcore compatible. The construction is much clearer, but Hardcore takes a little more than just erasing to really get it right. So it's safe to say that she's a good newbie character who can do it all in one season, except for the more hardcore goals.
How Toxic Ranger Works
The Toxic Ranger build is a fairly straightforward style of play. They move gracefully and don't necessarily need precision to get going. The Toxic Rain ability is the perfect spell for building, as it unleashes a devastating area followed by toxic spores in the affected area, dealing damage over time (DoT) and slowing enemies stuck in the area. The ability combines damage and slows enemies to make it easy for players to deal with them on any given map.
Construction is further improved with Gems, Passives, and Materials. Most are very inexpensive and will allow your character to level up and start farming. The great thing about Toxic Ranger is how pick-up-and-play it is. The build doesn't need any unique quality elements to define it, all it needs is a relatively fast attack speed bow, as well as some more defensive elements. These stat priorities are important because the build becomes a stable, self-sufficient endgame farmer.
Once your Toxic Ranger has leveled up and has the proper gear, farming the first Atlas levels shouldn't be a problem. Settle into this type of content to start your character progression and work on any map mod as you wish. This makes it easier for new players to learn the game, and for more experienced players to immediately start farming and storing valuable items.
Passive building
The way to build the Toxic Ranger is to follow the Ranger damage route with projectile damage for early cleanup. Once the game starts to get more difficult, the Ranger will rebuild their passive trees to focus more on the early passive tanks to increase their chances of dodging, reduce their damage, and increase their HP.
While taking the defensive stats from the start of the game, the player will also take bow damage, dexterity traits and more. You will then invest your passive skill points higher up the tree and take more chaos damage benefit to complete the scaling part of the Toxic Rain build.
Players usually change their passive skills when entering new types of content. As you start to get into the higher levels and more difficult endgame content, the build should put more emphasis on defense stats than some of the early attack stats. This will keep the version relevant to the type of content you are dealing with once leveled up.

The Toxic Ranger is dependent on damage over time and general upgrades to gear and passives. With that in mind, many gems focus on supportive abilities. The first gem is the Toxic Rain gem. The other five gems should be Vicious Projectile Support for DoT and Damage Support, followed by additional Chaos Damage Support, Void Manipulation Support, Quick Affliction Support to increase DoT Damage, and the carrier of deadly foods.
The ancestry benefits come into play at later stages. Nature's retaliation is the first thing to do, as it increases damage for the benefit of the building's area of existence. Master Toxicist is the next preferred ascendant, as he greatly benefits poison stacks, the next essential part of building the Toxic Ranger. Nature's Boon makes it easier to hold bottles and reduces damage from the elements. Finally, nature's adrenaline offers extra movement and attack speed while under the effect of a flask.