Hyper Scape patch 1.1 will provide some highly requested changes. From aiming aid to sniper damage reduction, this update brings much-needed balance to a few important weapons. With that in mind, we've adjusted this list based on the changes. Here are the best weapons in Hyper Scape.
Protocol V
What was (arguably) the most powerful weapon in the game received a few nerfs in this patch, making it much easier to counter. The weapon will always be one of the best available on the battlefield, but it now features damage reduction and lens flare.
As Hyper Scape players know all too well, the Protocol V Sniper Rifle is completely hit with no bullet drop. This means that prior to this patch a player could be shot from anywhere on the map in the head with fully fused protocol and they would die from a single bullet. It was a little frustrating and one of the most common complaints received by developers.
With this new patch, however, the protocol will have damage reduction over 150 yards. Stray light simply means the light will shine when watching a player with Protocol V, alerting you to their weapon and allowing you to make the right moves to get to safety. These nerves aren't enough to make protocol bad or not worth picking up, but they're certainly useful when trying to deal with a player who is using one.
The Mammoth Shotgun received a nerf to its base damage as well as fusion damage, but that's not enough to make it a bad weapon. When it comes to precision weapons, that would be the last choice. The shotgun is already limited to close range, and now it won't kill at 1 shot up close when it comes to Fusion 5, like before.
Shotgun damage changed from 5/5/5/5/7 to 4/4/4/4/5, meaning max damage is now the previous base damage. While still very effective in buildings and when taking out an already wounded enemy, the shotgun loses a lot of value by not exceeding 7 damage per hit.
Point blank firing with a 5 Mammoth Fusion was the weapon's most valuable attribute. However, the shotgun received a magazine size buff and will now have 6/7/8/9/10 as opposed to 5/6/7/8/9. So at the very least you'll have a few more chances to hit your target before reloading.
Riot One
The Riot One pistol is the most versatile precision weapon available, capable of delivering extremely high damage very quickly if the user's aim is up to the task. This nerf simply reduced damage at all fusion levels from 26/28/31/34/38 through 25/27/29/32/36.
This shouldn't change too much for players who use this weapon. High level players aim well with the Riot One, hit headshots and use it for a finishing weapon to their full auto or explosive. They will still be able to do this effectively, and the Riot One is still one of the best weapons in the game.
The Hexfire is getting a magazine-sized nerf, which was the most needed update in all of Hyper Scape. After the damage beta nerf, the only thing left was for players to hit Fusion 5 and spam 270 bullets on everyone. Now the weapon will hit 180, starting at 100, which will require a bit more skill to kill. Gone are the days of spamming a door until someone passes, the days of spamming the sound of an invisible player waiting for them to reappear.
The Hexfire also received reduced overall aim assist for players using a controller, as it was previously broken, giving them a slight aimbot when using the weapon. These are welcome changes and greatly reduce the value of the Hexfire. Its strongest attribute is still clip size, and it will pair well with a precision weapon or explosive.
The Harpy has not received any changes in this update. Already being one of the best weapons in the game, this little mobile SMG gets even better with the nerves of the Hexfire. Now, in close quarters battles, a player with high aim will be able to deal damage and move a player with a Hexfire. Winning these fights will be more satisfying than ever.
The Ripper Assault Rifle also hasn't been changed in this update, meaning that just like the Harpy, it remains one of the most sought-after weapons on the battlefield. With a combination of being fully automatic and having high damage and good range, the Ripper is a great gun in any situation. With this patch, he will be more viable in a fight against a Hexfire and will even be effective at knocking back a sniper from a distance.
The Salvo was previously one of the most used weapons in the game due to its ability to spam grenades inside and destroy everyone in sight. Then he got a big nerf to reduce damage at close range and stop spamming. Today, Ubisoft says it is "by far the least used weapon currently, and we think that has a lot to do with its unpredictability."
Thus, the Salvo received a slight increase in detonation radius from 0,65R to 0,7R, as well as a reduction in grenade rebound by 20%. With a larger explosion radius and a nerf to grenade unpredictability, the Salvo instantly becomes a more useful weapon. Now, like the Komodo, Grenades will require precision and skill instead of random luck. The Salvo instantly becomes a great explosive option, especially when fighting indoors or just early in the game when players are less equipped.
The D-Tap hasn't received any changes in this patch and continues to be one of the best weapons in the game, especially for less skilled players. The D-Tap is a gun that literally gives the user aim-bot. Whether you're moving fast and just want to deal damage to someone, or the player is running away from you, D-Tap is a great option to make sure you hit those hits.
It's also a fantastic option to save a fully automatic weapon or explosive to hit an enemy with those latter shots when their health is low and they are trying to escape. Hyper Scape is full of people who like to run away with movement abilities and become invisible, and the D-Tap makes it easy to deal with them.