After a long wait, finally Red Dead Redemption 2 landed on PC, giving the possibility to the title by Rockstar Games to be admired in all its magnificence, both from a point of view of graphics and gameplay. It goes without saying that, like any video game of its kind and its caliber, it is virtually unthinkable that the mod der community had not set out to make RDR 2 even more special than it already was.
Precisely for this reason, we have collected in this article the most beautiful, hilarious or unthinkable mods you might come across, leaving a brief description and, of course, all the instructions on how to install them correctly.
How to install one mod on Red Dead Redemption 2
Don't know how to install one mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 and you're too shy to ask your friends? Well, you've come to the right place! Fortunately, to achieve your goal, you don't have to go through any complicated procedures. If, in the following list, you find one mod that you would like to apply to your copy of the game, all you have to do is download it, install it and, in most cases, everything will end like this.
In other cases, instead, you will have to copy and paste some files from one folder to another, but don't worry: in this case too, in fact, in the links that we will provide you with, all the necessary instructions will be included to carry out the installation and application of the mod .
RDR 2 mod #1: photorealistic graphics
Whoever has played the standard version of the game, both on console and PC, will know very well how much care the development team has put in the technical realization of Red Dead Redemption 2 . However, if the graphics of the game are not realistic enough for you, the first mod one in this list will pump it up even more.
In particular, this is mod going to affect, as you will notice, seriously" for you? Give the Joker a macabre touch of hilarity! This wacky one will give mod you the chance to play your adventure as Red Dead Redemption 2 the Joker, in the version brought to the big screen by Joaquin Phoenix. At the moment, after a short period of publication, it mod has been made private, due to some work on the code by its author.
However, don't despair: it will soon be available again, just keep an eye on the link we will provide you here, at the bottom of the paragraph.
RDR 2 mod #3: Music from the first game of the RDR 2 #3.
As we all know, Rockstar Games takes care of its work in great detail and, for this very reason, the music Red Dead Redemption 2 is of the highest level. However, if your heart has not yet forgotten the soundtrack of the first Red Dead Redemption, and if the nostalgia is still too strong, install this mod one and you'll be able to insert the previous OST in RDR 2.
RDR 2 mod #4: Skip the Introduction
Anyone who has played the game will Red Dead Redemption 2 know very well how important the introductory prologue is, both as a tutorial, necessary to learn the commands, and to immerse ourselves deeply in the atmosphere of the game. But if you have already played the title on consoles, and you want to skip this section as beautiful as decidedly long, you just have to install this mod one, which consists of nothing more than a save file immediately after the intro.
RDR 2 mod #5: full screen mod alliance
Red Dead Redemption 2 is definitely a title with a strong cinematic cut and, precisely for this reason, the game presents the two classic black bands typical of the great Hollywood productions. However, if your desire would be to be able to admire the Rockstar video game in different image formats, you only have to download and install this mod one, which will allow you to play both in 21:9 and 16:9, with a resolution of 2560×1440.
RDR 2 mod #6: Flying Cowboy
If you're already tuning in to the notes of "I believe I can fly", this mod is the one for you. What could be cooler and deadlier than a cowboy? A flying cowboy!
RDR 2 mod #7: playing with other characters
Playing in Arthur Morgan's shoes is not enough to satisfy your desire to Red Dead Redemption 2 ? Well, you've found the mod right one! In this case, you will have a wide range of alternative mod heli with whom you can live your adventure. But we're not just talking about other cowboys: you can also play as eagles, wolves and pigeons! Of course, robbing a bank as a pigeon could be a bit tricky, but don't forget that you wanted it!
RDR 2 mod #8: walk faster
Tell the truth: Arthur Morgan is certainly a charismatic protagonist, but he moves far too slowly. Well, if you're bothered by our favorite cowboy's gait, install this mod and the problem will be solved.
RDR 2 mod #9: lightning tomahawk
Have you seen the latest Marvel movies and would like to include a bit of Thor in them Red Dead Redemption 2 ? This is the mod one for you! Installing it, as soon as the tomahawks in your possession touch the enemy, a lightning bolt will hit him in full, giving you a lot of satisfaction.
RDR 2 mod #10: mod Zombie Alties
Rumors about a zombi Red Dead Redemption 2 e mod alliance are always circulating. However, while waiting for any DLC, we can console ourselves with a mod "housewife", with whom we can introduce the beloved undead in our favorite game.