Bloons Tower Defense has been one of the most popular tower defense games since the series debuted as a flash game in 2007. With each episode new features have been added that perfectly complement the series' inherent simplicity. . In the last title of the series, Ninja Kiwi added heroes to the game. Heroes are special monkeys who have unique attacks and abilities. Each hero is very powerful in one way or another, but players are only allowed to use one per game. Players need to choose wisely to be able to survive the more difficult levels and co-op play. Here's our list of the best Bloons TD 6 heroes. Each is well worth the cost to unlock and can save you money in a pinch.
Adora is a hero who deals high damage. It shoots flashes of sunlight that do significant damage and can shatter lead bloons. As she continues to increase her damage, her range and attack speed all increase to make her the bane of any bloon within range. Although Adora is a great DPS hero, she costs a bit. She costs $ 5000 to unlock and is a bit more expensive to purchase than some of the other heroes. She can't make the purple bloons appear right away, but she gains the ability to do so early on as she level up. Adora's biggest downside is that she can't spawn camouflage bloons without the support of another ape or ability.
He is the best hero for new players. She cuts lead bloons very easily and inflicts fire damage to all monkeys within range every 30 attacks. The Gwendolin has a short range but very high damage power to compensate for it. She has some really powerful AoE attacks that can wipe out an area very easily. On top of all of its other perks, Gwendolin is relatively cheap at $ 2500 to unlock. Her biggest weaknesses are that she can't hit camouflage bloons without support, and she can't do purple bloons until she receives a level 16 upgrade.
Benjamin costs a bit more than the other heroes, but he's a big help late in the game. Benjamin doesn't directly attack bloons, but primarily helps players extend their survival time. It generates extra money and lives over time that players can use. As he level up he gains the ability to increase damage from other monkeys and prevent bloons from spawning children when they are busted. If you are struggling with a particular challenge, Benjamin can make it easier for you in the later stages and should be purchased early on. It only costs $ 3000 to unlock.
Admiral Brickell
Admiral Brickell is a water-based hero who is easily underestimated. Like most heroes, she has two different attacks. Her revolver attack usually deals low damage per hit, even when fully leveled. What really makes Brickell shine are his minor attacks. Every two seconds, she dispenses a mine into the nearby water. These mines last two turns and will attack any bloon in range. This hero makes harder water levels a snap. It costs $ 5000 to unlock.
Pat Fusty
Pat Fusty is the only melee hero currently available and well worth the $ 3000 unlock cost. pat can be placed on land or in water and is relatively inexpensive compared to some of the other heroes available. Pat uses slam attacks to smash the bloons. He can crush lead bloons and as he level up he can stun and deal a ton of damage to MOABs. It's a great all-rounder choice for all types of players and all skill levels. The only downside is that he can't attack camouflage bloons without support and as a melee hero he has relatively low range.